awww no the pretty boys been F*&ked up
im gonna do a pretty straight verion, but with a cosume change, and broken mask.
story is he got smacked in the mush and slightly difigured with a nice big scar. he now whereshis broken mask around his neck. and when he finds out whodunit ther'll be a rukus
heres what i got so far. concepts top secret uintil i get it on paper.
first reallistc face for an age so tear the loops apart.
paint overs are more than welcome.

can anyone tell me if the face is too much on the front of the face,ive been wrestling with it, and i seam to get either the features on the front or that cross eyed bissnez
nnnnnngh. more edge loop wrestling for me then.
ive had a good bash at the body. the waist may be a tiny bit thin ATM but im trying to gho for that effeminate look.
ive had a play with the head and will post a new shot soon.
Also pull up the rear portion of the crown of the head, or push in the rear of the skull to less of an extreme curve and it should start looking more human.
this is just some playing with ideas stuff.
- vega is punched in mush breaking his mask into his eyes rendering him blind. he now wears the mask backwards with the band covering his eyes, the mask and his face is stained with blood. but he still kick asses.
EDIT: ok forget my comment about the head I was looking at the newer image, the one before does look a bit strange :P
new one looks fantastic though!
please do some paintovers if you can see wrong shit or mucles ive missed.
6200 tris so far, but planety that i can purge once ive zbrushed the mofo
Also the pectoral isn't really separate in topology from the deltoid. Also its not the flattened spherical structure that it appears to be on your model. It might be a bit difficult to rearrange at this point, but correcting the flow will make it that much better.
edit oh also GoogleImage search BodyBuilder
Good Topo refs.
But the abs are looking a little strange to me.
I did a quick paintover while having lunch, hope it helps.
caseyjones- think your right about the abs, not sure about the other bits,
played with the anatomy so much im seeing edge loops in my sleep.
oh and the hair and tie-thing geo is still unfinished
not pleased with his feet/shoes ATM, might re do them completely.
the weapon aint great yet either.
and heres a play with the sheild this is completely pissing me off, complete redesign is on the way me thinks
after i get these things done, im taking it to Zbrush to fuck up his face (where his mask shattered) and give him some better folds (muscle def im gonna do in Max)
Your chest doesn't have nearly that angle, and the back is rather flat as well. It might even fit the character to exaggerate it a little.
Keep it up : ) !