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L.A. Noire

polycounter lvl 19
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adam polycounter lvl 19
I really like the look of this game. Some spots in the environments were a little drab, but otherwise its overall feeling was pretty well done IMO.


Sure, the game looks to be a little slow paced - but thats assuming the video is an indication of the gameplay.


  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i liked the feel, i am interested to see how much of that stuff they can actually get running in game.

    and for fucks sake, i am so sick of game trailers that dont show one second of gameplay. its not even a trailer for the game, its a trailer for the cinematics. cinematics are nice and all, but its not a game. even if the cinematics are in game it still doesnt even hint on how the game plays. really pisses me off more than anything.
    =end rant=
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I agree with arsh, the trailer told us very little other than the setting and what gameplay could possibly be like. I'll keep a tentative eye on this one...
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    arsh.. I had to remind myself this was from Rockstar and not EA for the lack of actual gameplay and such shown in the video. I love that era and style, but if this is how they're going to show off the game, I've got no interest in it.
  • Robert Headley
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    Robert Headley polycounter lvl 18
    This is from Team Bondi... who splintered off of Sony. The Writer/director of "The Getaway" for the PS2, that is not necessarily raising my hopes for gameplay.

    Nothing about that video says that its not realtime, then again, nothing about that video says it is.

    The Ps3 can probably render all that just fine, as long as none of those components have to think, make it dynamic, and I imagine you will see less rendered.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    It's a PS3 title, a lot of it looked in-game to me save the animations. It looked more like an in-game NIS.
  • Michael Knubben
    What annoys me much more than trailers that show only prerendered stuff is trailers that show prerendered stuff to give you the impression it's ingame. A good example would be the one WWII-shooter whose ad ran on the telly, starting with a quote like 'breathtaking graphics', after which it showed a video made to look like ingame graphics.

    Does anyone know what kind of a game this'll be?
    I'm hoping adventure, but given the lack of trust in that genre (investor-wise, at least), it probably wont be.

    Mind you, i've not seen the video yet, it's still downloading, but having read a few articles about it i can't shake the image of a noir Blade Runner, which i'd love to bits.
  • Robert Headley
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    Robert Headley polycounter lvl 18
    Blade Runner is already Noir

    noir (nw�r) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "noir" [P]

    1. Of or relating to the film noir genre.
    2. A genre of crime literature featuring tough, cynical characters and bleak settings.
    3. Suggestive of danger or violence.

    No 2

    Yeah, what the hell kind of game is this anyway?
  • Michael Knubben
    I knew someone was going to be a smartarse wink.gif
    I know it is, but the timeperiod sort of works against that, don't you think? I just want ALL the clich
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    JI Styles works at Team Bondi, I believe. Perhaps we can shake him down for some information.

    There is one little tidbit of info on Team Bondi's site that does sound tantalising:
    [ QUOTE ]
    L.A. Noire is our attempt to recreate a 1940’s detective thriller as a game. Crime thrillers are a huge genre in both literature and film, so in theory there is a large potential audience.

    A detective thriller, as a game, relies on the player being able to tell when a suspect is lying. This requires new technologies that can deliver real perormances and human nuance.

    [/ QUOTE ]
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