I picked Elena since she was a princess garbed only in undies. The reference for Kenyan dress featured a lot of reds, oranges and yellows and lots of beaded jewelry so I went with that. There was also a lot of orange hair and face paint so I'll be adding that as well. Also gone are the man-hands. The concept's in progress but I want to get going on the model while I finish it. Here it is so far. Kick to the noggin.

Mr. Jackblade, Thanks!
welcome to polycount:)
A bit of progress. I still haven't worked on the arms and legs... and a lot of other stuff. The legs are proportionally quite long. I'll see how it looks once they're defined.
I think you can really make this shine with a little more stylizing, like in the first progress shot.
The model is looking really nice dude. I like the direction you're taking this model.
Her bum looks a little odd, though.
Very very nice expression.
Cant wait to see how you doll her up.
I'd maybe consider a chiral render on the finished product I think it would compliment the overture.
ontopic : awesome model ! the legs are a bit too much massive imo , still thats what also makes it interesting !
Did she look like this?
A chiral render performs multiple mirrored renders on the same model so essentially you end up with 2 or 4 renders where you would normally have 1.
What's this troll business? Sounds defamatory. I don't like it.
I've seen your portfolio Johnny - you'd do well to consider some chiral renders yourself... though admittedly there is some fine work in there
now i cant see how big the legs are its not so off putting.
nice work