I went to see the classic rock band Blue Oyster Cult last night! It was the first real concert I've ever been to, and I don't regret it a bit! The thing is, it wasn't in a big town like Philadelphia, Washington, DC, or even State College. It was in a town called Hagerstown, MD at the Maryland Theater! Man, they were great that night! I was with my mom and stepdad, and got a couple t-shirts. The reason i posted this here is that it was not organized by a huge multi-millionare company, but a local radio station! What do you think of that? That still amazes me. If you have a (positive) opinion, reply!
Oh, no! There goes Tokyo! Go, go, Godzilla!

post on your myspace plzkthnx!
"Video Game Artist and Fan Community"
However, you would be better off creating a new user name and starting fresh and try really hard to not post in the same fashion. Because now...you are tainted.
just relax man, I'm sure people would go a lot easier on you if you were here to learn something and improve too
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Yeah. The off-topic forum is pretty active, but polycount is still primarily about art, and save a demand for a Parasite Eve model you don't seem to have any interest in the subject.
WHo knows, though.
just relax man, I'm sure people would go a lot easier on you if you were here to learn something and improve too
[/ QUOTE ]
well Im not here to learn anything :P
I came to this site because I was searching for 3d modeling help. I eventually started replying to artwork (with substantial comments), then I started venturing into the general discussions. So far, you appear to have randomly picked a forum and started posting in it. I think that has something to do with the results you've seen here.
well Im not here to learn anything :P
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then you better have some damn good cat pictures
Kids spending to much time on the computer?
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'To'? 'To' much time?
Fuck sake.....
P.S. I spend two much time on the computer
My next gig is Rancid in a sweaty little Edinburgh club - I didn't fancy seeing them at the Barrowlads.
[/ QUOTE ]
Please bring something fructis-related to the gig, if at all possible with the words 'you dirty cockwashing sellout',please.
Not that Rancid are any less good to see live, it's just that i get really pissed off when bands(in this case Tim's other band, the Transplants) think it's okay to sell their music to an ad, making it utterly meaningless in the process. I would scout through their lyrics and see if they ever sing anything about 'the man', and use it in amusing reference to garnier fructis, but really, i'm too lazy.
it's not half as bad as covering Cash's Walk The Line to promote jeans though, since Diamonds and Guns was at least a pretty meaningless song to begin with.
I think you just dated yourself by calling them a "classic rock band".
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lolzers, the 70's are considered classic rock now, listen to the radio! Deal with it you old fart!
My next gig is Rancid in a sweaty little Edinburgh club - I didn't fancy seeing them at the Barrowlads.
[/ QUOTE ]
Please bring something fructis-related to the gig, if at all possible with the words 'you dirty cockwashing sellout',please.
Not that Rancid are any less good to see live, it's just that i get really pissed off when bands(in this case Tim's other band, the Transplants) think it's okay to sell their music to an ad, making it utterly meaningless in the process. I would scout through their lyrics and see if they ever sing anything about 'the man', and use it in amusing reference to garnier fructis, but really, i'm too lazy.
it's not half as bad as covering Cash's Walk The Line to promote jeans though, since Diamonds and Guns was at least a pretty meaningless song to begin with.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, how fucking dare they. I'll not go now.
Mike Doughty
Dinosaur Jr
Thievery Corporation
The Shins
Explosions in the Sky
Massive Attack
The Roots
The Pharcyde
In about a month, going to see Mike Doughty and Barenaked Ladies in the same show. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I can hardly contain my excitement.
And yah, rancid was better before people started pouring money in their lap for the Hot Topic Punk Rock Generation.
Aaaaand, i've just this second discovered that Sparklehorse are playing at leeds cockpit on Friday, so i'll see you all there, oh yes
Concerts, eh? This year I have seen:
Thievery Corporation
Massive Attack
The Roots
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I hate you. Please die now. kthx.
googling morrowindsky81993 yields a wondrous crop of forum memberships
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this was amusing and not surprising
"morrowindsky81993 has not added any friends into his / her network "
also wtf vista, ringtone forums? kids these days......
"morrowindsky81993 has not added any friends into his / her network "
also wtf vista, ringtone forums? kids these days......
[/ QUOTE ]
sorry, can someone explain why that's anyone elses fucking business?
it's just that i get really pissed off when bands(in this case Tim's other band, the Transplants) think it's okay to sell their music to an ad, making it utterly meaningless in the process.
[/ QUOTE ]
Say what now? If the band makes good music, music that you like listening to, what does it matter to whom they sell it? "(they) think it's okay" is such a strange thing to say; it's alright for you to decide how their music should be distributed, but not alright for the artists themselves to decide? If you've decided a song you liked is now meaningless because it is used in a commercial, that's your issue and not the band's.
I personally don't have much of a problem with musicians selling their music, but I also can't help but feel like a tool when I listen to a fucking shampoo song. On the other hand, when I listen to Zeppelin's "Rock and Roll," a Cadillac CTS V doing slow-mo power slides comes to mind, which is badass
Or even worse: when Michael Jackson sells the rights to a song about love, written by a communist hippie, to promote a credit card?
Maybe that's just me, but then again i tend to actually listen to lyrics and such, and i don't see music as a commodity. A bit idealistic perhaps, but luckily, so are some artists.
Now please don't debate about this for ages, i'll more than happily accept that we have differing opinions on this
As for the situation with The Beatle's music, it bothers me a bit on an ideological level and the irony is not lost on me, but I have yet to see an advertisment that has ruined a Beatle's song for me in the way Garnier ruined the Transplant's song. When I hear "Revolution," I don't think of Nike, I think of an awesome Beatle's song.
There's also the fact that most of the music I listen to would never be used in an advertisment anyway. I doubt we'll ever hear any Tool or Primus in a McDonald's commercial. I guess the company that makes KY Jelly might be interested in using "Stinkfist" or "Prison Sex," but other than that I can't think of anything.