Rotate your trees so the branches don't all face the camera at the same angle. Give some dead grass varriation to your grass texture. Also take notice that grass doesn't grow directly on rock unless its moss, and thats a lot of moss. So the texture should go rock > dirt > grass. I take it you're using Maya? If you are using max I can tell you exactly how to set up the materials to create and paint the blends but with Maya you're on your own... sorry...
I really like the first one thats some quality low poly grass!
built a rusty sword in the "texture first-model later" style and now I'm working on a texture that is the exact opposite style-wise, going for an elven look. Planning on a sheet of maybe 10-20 swords:
I also got my site moved over to bluehost and I put up a simple photoshop gallery - linkage
I'm taking on a project of ridiculously gigantic proportions, the Gnomish Lightning Tower. The idea started out as just a single tower but it has evolved into a whole compound. Here is the first building, the engine house, this will power the giant lightning tower.
Well, I really need to just focus on textures, modeling's the easy part!
Here's my sucky texture I did yesterday that almost made me throw my laptop out of the window:
and here is what I got done today
maybe there's hope for me yet
Today I tried plugging in different base textures into my brick PSD with some fantastic results!
Photo sourced rock texture:
Filter generated rock texture:
My technique for shading the bricks was to draw shadows around the edge of each brick and then put a light outer glow effect on the shadow layer. The top layer has the original lines I drew to define the bricks with a dark outer glow effect applied to it.
I really like the first one thats some quality low poly grass!
I also got my site moved over to bluehost and I put up a simple photoshop gallery - linkage
Here's my sucky texture I did yesterday that almost made me throw my laptop out of the window:
and here is what I got done today
maybe there's hope for me yet
Photo sourced rock texture:
Filter generated rock texture:
My technique for shading the bricks was to draw shadows around the edge of each brick and then put a light outer glow effect on the shadow layer. The top layer has the original lines I drew to define the bricks with a dark outer glow effect applied to it.
In other news, I'm feeling very slow and unproductive