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Wii: Anyone concerned with possible defects?

polycounter lvl 17
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ebagg polycounter lvl 17
I'm cautious about getting a Wii immediately, despite the low price and the large amount being shipped for opening day, consoles always tend to have defects with the first batch, but I know quite a few of you plan to get one ASAP and quite a few of you are experienced with past nintendo products;
-since the Wii will not be as high-end graphically and processing-wise, is there much to be concerned about with the overheating problems most consoles have?
-Has Nintendo's previous consoles fared well with their first release, perhaps Nintendo's longer console experience has allowed it to not have such defects?
-Is anyone concerned with possible defects in the Wiimote? Perhaps there will be defects with sensitivity?


  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Doubtful. Console hardware is usually pretty stable. The only thing that can really go wrong are the moving parts.
    I don't think overheating has ever been an issue with any console. At least none that I've owned.

    All my Nintendo products still work... the only problems I've had are some of the buttons on my GC controller have become mushy.

    I think I may have gone through at least 1 PS1. I upgraded to the "2nd version" of the old one (not the small PS1) because the moving parts that read the CD gave up.

    I've bought 2 PS2s over the years. I had the very first batch of PS2s... and that eventually gave up. It had trouble reading discs. Bought a new PS2 (the newer version of the big one) and no problems so far.

    My Xbox (though seldom used) runs fine, still.

    All in all, I wouldn't worry about having defects RIGHT away. Most of these things come with a warranty anyways, so it really shouldn't be of any concern. Later on, I'm sure many of them are bound to have problems... simply from wear and tear.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    my n 64 , went thru alltypes of shit, i turned it on dusty, all full of spider webs , and i didnt even needed to clean the cartridge nothing i was playing instantly.

    I guess nintendo builds their consoles pretty well ?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    My gamecube's eject button sticks. That's the only problem I've encountered with nintendo systems, and I've owned an awful lot.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I still have my original NES and N64, both working perfect. The others (SNES AND GC) aren't my originals, but they work perfect too.

    They usually do a damn good job on their hardware.
  • SuperOstrich
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    SuperOstrich polycounter lvl 17
    The original NES had all sorts of issues. Anyone remember having to blow out the dust from every cartridge and the inside of the NES itself all the time? Since then, their systems have been rock solid though.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    actually that was not a problem with the cartrages, it was with the connector pins inside the nes itself. i actually bought new pins for my nes and replaced them and every cart works perfectly first try now. and yes that was the only problem i have ever had with a nintendo system.

    a common hack from back in the day before they manufactured new pins was to replace with the one from the game genie, it had higher quaility pins and i had several geektastic friends who replaced the ones in the nes with the GG ones.
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    nintendo makes quality hardware. never had any nintendo system crap out on me EVER.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    No more blowing on cartridges for me!!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I found my DS has the ol' hinge crack, but apparently it doesnt affect the actual integrity of the hinge. sucks though
  • Moz
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    Moz polycounter lvl 18
    I have an original gameboy, cracked, stained, with the screencover removed and the power tab on the top cut off (so it fits colour carts) that I found last week in an old box. I stuch in tetris (from 1994!) and it still worked perfectly.

    the batteries had to have been in their for at least 6 years.

    I should have taken a picture of it before I threw it out.
  • Michael Knubben
    Never had any issues with my NES or gameboys, all of the other consoles i used often through friends, and those always worked great. my DS Lite --despite being gay, according to Firestarter-- works great too, allthough through my dragging it around everywhere in my messengerbag (manpurse, yes) the outside is getting a bit cloudy (ie. losing it's shinyness), and at one point i had a stuck bright green pixel, which luckily only showed up on black backgrounds, and then eventually just fixed itself. It pays off to be too lazy to send it to Nintendo, heh.
  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    Moz: I guess everyone has seen it before, but you're beat:


    This should be all you need to know smile.gif. But anyway, I've never had a problem with the base unit of any Nintendo system, it has always been the controller that seemed to crap out sooner than they should. So I'm interested to know how long that nunchcuck stick is going to last.
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    About possible console problems i'm not that worried as have almost all nitendo consoles (counting 9, i think i'm not forgetting anyone) and just the NES is not working, but that was due to some power suply problem during a storm when i was a kid frown.gif

    Now the Wiimote, a few time ago i was really worried, mainly after read in a portuguese game magazine (MegaScore) that travell to e3 and said that the controll didn't work that great. But from what i read on the gamespot previews of Metroid and Zelda i think, it actualy work great, and nintendo fix the sensitiviy problems that were felt in e3. Really hope so =)
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    never had a problem with Nintendo systems except the Gamecube. got one when they first came out and the first time i started it up to play Rogue Leader it froze. restarted and it worked fine. think it froe up once more that day. then never had a problem with it until August last year when it stopped reading disks.
    last month i pulled it out again and tried once again (having tried serveral times since it died) to see if i could get it to work and it finally read ResidentEvil4 for a few minutes. it was getting read errors when ever the game would cut to a cinematic but would read again once i opened and closed the top. did this for a few minutes and by the time i got to where you can save the dog from the bear trap it had completely died, this time with a 'fatal error has occurred. please turn off your gamecube.' and it worked no more. frown.gif

    only other console problems i've had was with the PS1 and it 's cd drive wearing out to the point where it would only read discs if you turned the system upside down. then we bought a used PS1 and after a few months the same thing started happening with it. then came the PS2 and it's glorious backwards compatibility. smile.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I think it was Planet Gamecube where I read that the Wii controller had problems at E3 if you were too close to the IR bar because the IR markings left the controller's field of view too often. Standing back a metre or two fixed it. And they also said the sensitivity in Metroid was adjustable, they changed it and everything was fine.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    After handling a dev station wii controller (nunchuck setup), I definitely don't see comfort being a top mark for the system. The two controllers are tiny as all hell, and completely different weights, which makes them exremely odd to hold. The electronics inside the nunchuck setup are pretty basic, as is the plastic molds itself; I see them (the plastic) lending themselves to breaking pretty easily with any actual consumers get their hand on them.

    The size and seemingly flimsy feel of the controller really suprised me, especially after how much other people have raved about it. If they release some upgraded version of the nunchuck down the road, I'll give the system a second thought.

    Just my two cents on the whole wii deal.
  • Leech
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    Leech polycounter lvl 18
    Any launch hardware can see problems. Could be a tv, dvd, console - even cars.

    If you are truly concerned about it and can wait a few months until the second round of hardware comes out, that's what I would do.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    There was an article a while back that they were having trouble with a batch of the wiimote sensors. But they've had plenty of time to fix it by now. I wouldn't consider it an issue. I also haven't heard of any issues with display wiimotes at any shows, only problems with standing too close or bad sensitivity settings (software problem).

    And now, conclusive proof the cube is one tough son of a bitch:

    My NES and N64 still work great, too.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    My PSP works great since day 1 - no defects. My DS had 3-4 dead pixels, rma'd and got another one with 2 broken buttons. PS2 is still in perfect condition since launch day. I've trucked it across 10 states and it's still flawless. My launch-day 360 died recently, had to return it for a new premium system. My Gamecube is still in perfect condition as well.

    It's very hit and miss with hardware. I'm sure the Wii will have some hardware issues, as any console has.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    a bir off ropic, but i really must know, any details on the European price ?
  • morrowindsky81993
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    morrowindsky81993 polycounter lvl 17
    i can definitely understand. it is near inevitable that a brand new console that just came out that it has some problems, i.e. the XBOX 360. big overheating problems at first. just wait a while, let the price go down and the quality go up, and you should be fine.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Johny: All dollar values converted 1:1 into Euros.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I bought gold connectors for my nes smile.gif

    Very doubtful the Wii will have any problems, why would you think so ebagg? XBox and Sony have had limited problems, but you can always get a replacement.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Yes Wii has this defect that when you play and forget to close the curtains, the neighbourgs will think you are an idiot laugh.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Don't worry, they've reduced that effect so it's not as bad as the EyeToy.
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