Doesnt look bad, the head definatley need some tweaking though. Zangeif usually has a big manly jaw and a small forehead, but at the moment it looks like he is the oppisite, big forehead small jaw in the profile view.
Also his eyes need to be pulled back along with his eyebrows. The corner of his jaw is also not as sharp of an angle as normal.
Here is a quick paintover of what I am talking about
I'm loving the concept and the eyes are definately looking a lot better from the initial sculpt.
I really like the face from the concept and its lacking the same style in the 3D form.
Here's a quick paintover.
Good paintover caseyjones, and good work low odor, looks much better. Definatley needs sunken cheeks like casey drew imo.
Also he needs to look angry, Zangief always looks angry, I think once you make his brow area all frowny it will look a whole lot more like zangief, looks almost happy at the moment.
loose concept...bearskin cape should be a unique challange...not sure if I'll keep it..anyway on to the 3d bits
A quick sculpting base for the upper body
A little bit of progress..anatomy is still very wip..just blocking out forms ...or blobing out...more to come
some Heady goodness
Doesnt look bad, the head definatley need some tweaking though. Zangeif usually has a big manly jaw and a small forehead, but at the moment it looks like he is the oppisite, big forehead small jaw in the profile view.
Also his eyes need to be pulled back along with his eyebrows. The corner of his jaw is also not as sharp of an angle as normal.
Here is a quick paintover of what I am talking about
Hope that helps
I really like the face from the concept and its lacking the same style in the 3D form.
Here's a quick paintover.
Also he needs to look angry, Zangief always looks angry, I think once you make his brow area all frowny it will look a whole lot more like zangief, looks almost happy at the moment.
keep goin man your doin good