Toomas: I thought that too when I was painting it. :P Maybe not teenage, but younger at least.
Cholden: hmm, good point. I'll need to completely remake his shoulders anyway, so good thing you pointed that out. I'll grab that pic for ref, it's a good one.
Per128: Yeah, it looks like he's taking a deep breath. I'll need to rework the one.
Anyway, I realized that I'm working on a very uninteresting character. In an attempt to make him more interesting, I added a parachute harness. I'm keeping it, shutup.
As for diffuse and specular, there's another thing to figure out.
Even though lightweights are very thin (fights around 155lbs) they have always have a broad shoulder range developed by keeping their hands up
Toomas: I thought that too when I was painting it. :P Maybe not teenage, but younger at least.
Cholden: hmm, good point. I'll need to completely remake his shoulders anyway, so good thing you pointed that out. I'll grab that pic for ref, it's a good one.
Per128: Yeah, it looks like he's taking a deep breath. I'll need to rework the one.
fyi... thats a quote from Alex :P I'm just playin.
Anyway, I realized that I'm working on a very uninteresting character. In an attempt to make him more interesting, I added a parachute harness. I'm keeping it, shutup.
As for diffuse and specular, there's another thing to figure out.