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Challenge #30 - SF Redesign - Motz - OUT

polycounter lvl 12
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Motz polycounter lvl 12
Shin Gouki/Shin Akuma

Shin meaning 'true' or 'real'. He was a boss and playable character in SF Alpha 3. The wikipedia entry states that in his normal form he is holding back his power and abilities.

Since he looses more humanity the deeper he delves into his forbidden arts, I plan to remake Shin Gouki more demonic in form. I was thinking of the symbol on his back being etched into his skin as a volcanic lava rock opening with crag type rocks bursting from his back, shoulders and arms. Hunched over in madness and a near complete loss of control or conciousness.


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Shin = New

    cool idea though smile.gif
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Warning smartass alert:

    I'm a first year Japanese language student. Shin can mean 'new' yes, but not the case in this instance. It can also mean marrow, core, wick, truth, faith, fidelity, sincerity, trust, reality, and genuineness. Japanese language is alot about taking the current context of a statement/sentance into play.

    The symbol on his back can be taken a few ways also. It's literally 'heaven' or 'sky', but in context his name (Gouki/Goki) means powerfull spirit. So it's taken as a grim symbol for the afterlife or death, as opposed to the literal happy version of heaven you would read it as.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    almighty_gir: Japanese kanji can be read in various ways to make words.

    For example Shin is often used to mean Genuine.

    rocking concept BTW. Hope you can keep the darkness in the texture.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    everytime i played SF against a friend of mine he would use taht basterd and i would get the shit beat out of me ...

    Hope you do this guy jutice ehehe..
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    im 6 months into my japanese study, so forgive me, i always translated his name as "new born god" or something similar, "true powerful spirit" also works.

    also, his art isnt really forbidden, as its actually the truest form.

    In Street Fighter, Ansatsuken, the forum Akuma, and his brother Gouken study, were created by their father Goutetsu. and it was designed to be a truly lethal art. so when Akuma killed his father in one hit, using his Shun Goku Satsu technique, he died happy knowing that someone had truly mastered the form.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    You may want to question the place you are learning Japanese from. I brought this up in my class which is taught by Japanese natives, and they said in this context Gouki means strong spirit. Adding shin is just saying it's his true form. They got a kick out of me questioning a video game name :P In other context it can only mean something like bravery or fortitude, maybe a strong character. Nothing about new, birth/born, or god. Akuma litteraly means devil, satan, or evil spirit.

    I'll try to post progress this week. Laid off, so I've had little time to work on this bastard. Ironicly enough.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    lol. fortunately it's just a computer game. Most of the terminology in Street Fighter is Okinawan, which does differ slightly from Japanese (karate comes from Okinawa)
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    I'm out, no time to finish. Good luck to everyone else. I'll probably finish the character after the contest.
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