Ok, so no more beating around the bush. Would Saturday the 7th meeting be best? I know you VC guys are looking at the 14th.
I mentioned to Flaagan, it might be easier to incorporate his coming into the weekly conceptart.org local weekly sketch group. Its always hell to get local polycounters to be social versus conceptors (unless there is free beer

Also, to be frank since the east side is so lacking anything other than a few yuppie generic places that don't stay open late. Capital Hill or Belltown place might be the best to at least let flaagan get some local flair.
Thoughts or otherwise? Headcount? Or maybe a discussion of a different date to allow the most of us to attend.
I should be around the seattle area... from around the 4/5 until the 8th... roughly
How early I arrive depends on whether there's actually anything for me to stop for in Oregon.. how late I stay.. dunno..
I cant do anything on the weekdays.
Ferg - suburbia you say? where do I sign up?!
I'm up for either, but for me It'd be easier to be on the east side somewhere.
As long as you spend some time over in seattle youl get the seattle feeling. As for me getting into downtown seattle isnt something i love to do. I like my hilltown suburbia.
If by "vibe" you mean homless bums humping your leg for spare change, then yeah we don't have as much of that on the eastside. Or you notice it less because you're in your car and the bums are humping your bumper[/trolling]
Count me out, everyone on this forum are a bunch of meanie faces (<-joke). When you guys settle on a date I'll let you know =/
/end of my two cents.
If we hold it Saturday there is a possibility of getting the conceptart meeting at the same place (or afterwords). Its a great way to meet more Vid Game artists (and others) who don't browse polycount as much.
please make flaaag soo drunk the hospital think hes dead.. please.. pretty pretty please.. hahah
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Ooh, that's a good plan, maybe hook up with one of those Seattle surgical interns. Izzy is hawt!
Geez, I never knew there was soo much east versus west.
Wish I could make it, whenever and wherever you guys decide. But with a baby at home, the wife tends to frown on after hours social events.
A: Meeting at a "melow" place for coffee conversation, then later after that closes go bar hopping (so our under age locals can still come for the first part).
B: Meeting more of a pub/restaurant like environment (like Joolz did that one time near Pike Place Market (speaking of Joolz)).
C: Something someone suggests.
Who are you staying with up here flaagan? (No, im not offering-im in a group house). Might help to decide which part of town to go.
Freemont: Red Door. Only been once. Its the only place I know of. Bios probably knows better places.
Beltown: Rodeo Donuts. Its more like a coffee house. They have a upstairs that we could chill out in and smooth indie music piped in. Problem is right downtown on 5th or 6th (under Monorail). They close at 7. So it would be more a meeting point and then we could barhop or whatever in Belltown (or go to some of the contempary art galleries (the ones that display the cool shit). (Alternatively, there is that large theater Cinema right up the street where we could see whatever movie is currently playing.)
On Capital. Sooo many places. We could meet at Vitas for coffee *where Concept Art usually meets* and then when they clost at 11 (or leave it earlier) go bar and band hopping.
Ok, in honesty, Im not much of a "hopper". But Im leaving that open for you all that would like to.
As for a proper meal suggestion instead. Again, someone shout out. I have no clue (just make sure they have a salad option for me on the menu
Slayjerman You out there?
You guys figure it out, it's your town (for now!).
Who is up for a saturday meet up between noon and six in Seattle? Lets get a list started.
I guess Friday 6th for the east side version. Ebagg can you handle finding a place in that desert of suburbia :P
Saturday the 7th for the west side.
Maybe a few counters who have the option can let Fallgan see how developement is done Seattle style (poor guy has only seen EA in the past)?
I figured since we havent as yet made definite plans one way or the other and they have, we can use theirs. (Again, realize there are former or less active polycounters who go to these)
Now, before this, we could meet somewhere else. For a regular meal or event all could attend. Ideas:
-Seattle Center game center.
-Bodies, the Exhibition (Since VC is already planning, most likely not, but DUDE! Who wants to go anyways?!)
-Science Fiction Museum
-Seattle Underground Tour
All the above are expensive. Some are cool, others are generic.
Maybe one on capital hill so its closer to the pub?
I don't want to take your guys entire day. The hideaway does offer some food from what I have been told? But then again, underagers are screwed, thus for those wanting we could do something earlier (or if you Eastsiders get something setup for this friday that underagers could attend)
(Again, realize there are former or less active polycounters who go to these)
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Less Active, but never former polycounter checking in.
Saturday should be fun. Im bringing a CGchater buddy of mine (TheMagnetic) so I think weve got just about every game art forum covered.
Welcome to Seattle Flaagan!
I arrived last night (monday) around 7 pm or so. The 600 miles went by pretty quickly. I'm staying with my aunt and her boyfriend; they have no net access and at the moment are having phone line problems so I can't use my on-the-road dialup provider at the moment, but that should be fixed soon enough. (I'm filching wifi from a QFC at the moment to post this.) Those of you that have my cell # feel free to give me a ring up during the week; can meet up for lunch or whatever. Those of you that don't have my cell number, pm me on here and I'll check it out when I can (or pm oxy /ebagg, as they have my #). So what's the happening's around this town, folks?
Don't let oXY anywhere near your vehicles- they'll explode by the end of the day! I speak from experience...
If only I could take the time off work to drive up; I wish you all the best for the meetup.
Less Active, but never former polycounter checking in.
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Eli! Awesome to see you back at the big green! Are you still at Amaze? Whatca been up to?
Too bad you cant make it Saturday.