Seeing how TGS was just an hour away from where I live. And only $12 entry.
Anyway. Myself and another geek decided to go and have a look. I also went about 4 years ago, funnily I found the one at that time a bit more interesting!
The Wii was on show, but only by Sega and another company I forgot. Some game where you shoot things in your house. Public were not allowed to play it, and all the game were presented by sexy girls. In some ways, the Wii machines were the last thing on most gamers minds.
This was the Playstations show however, with Sony dominating the floor. In the middle of the venue (which is split between 3 buildings) they erected a large black cube. Actually the giant black monster monolith was a stroke of genius... ordinarily one has to que for bloody ages to see footage of games. What sony had built was a large "walk in" seat-less cinema, with a small portion missing so anyone could just walk in and out. They ran trailers of all the games on show, with some advertising, on a loop. Inside it was packed.
Adjacent to the cinema were lines of PS3 machines running demos, the waiting time for the games was short. Some pre-rendered looking games were actually real, which certainly surprised us. With us both being designers, we had a lot of negative criticism over graphics (oh and the spider-man font, which has been kept).
I played a few games but most I just watched other people play.
Games that caught my eye:
flOw - same as that flash game but in 3d. Japanese were largely uninterested.
Genji - wow. just wow. My pick.
Devil May Cry for ps3 - very slick
some monster adventure, forgot the name.
F1 Championship - high octane!
the newest version of DOA beach volleyball for the 360 drew a LOT of interest from the Japanese crowd - I even had a go. It really is just thinly veiled porn. But who cares?
some of the dog-eggs from the show were on the PS3. I guess we got to learn that for every good title, theres 10 mother-fucking-omg-how-shit? titles.
GT HD sucked balls. All the games were running on highdef TV's. Virtua Fighter 5 ran really smoothly, but for some reason Gran Tourismo was flickering like a bastard. You could literally see the refresh. honestly is had a lot of problems drawing frames fast enough for the update. Many of the PS3 games suffered from the same problems. IE; bad frame rate.
Worst game of the show? Tenchu. Looked ps2 gen.
Prettiest: Genji
most bizarre: new sonic game. Have they lost the plot or what??
most over hyped: MotorStorm. pre-rendered nonsense. Played like a brick. Mud is now sprites, terrain no longer deforms, game chugs badly with more than 2 cars on screen.
1080p was the thing, and all games were running at this mental rez, to show warts and all. Unfortunately!! Textures looked awful on most games. Bad colour banding on gradients abounded.
Lot of PS2 and DS titles on show. Lot's of geeks. Not enough booth babes. My camera ran out of batteries after one shot. And one bad curry.
the ps2 version rocked and this looks even more sexy
it looks nothing like that anymore.
I get the quote
PS: I find the lack of booth babe pics in this thread disturbing...