Converts photos into heightmaps and normalmaps, and does a pretty decent job of it. Also converts from normalmaps into heightmaps. Certainly better than Nvidia's Photoshop filter, at least for the photo part.
Evolved out of the tools at Pretty simple UI so far, but does some interesting things. Ryan's looking for feedback, so do send him some, good or bad. I just sent a bunch.
But yeah, it is definitely worth a spin. I love the 3D Shape Blend slider, cool idea. And the lighting is so much better than Nvidia's.
Here's a comparison, so you can judge for yourself:
- Option to flip axes of normal map output
- Range of intensity slider doubled
- Background changed to a neutral color
- UI buttons reduced in size
- Right button moves lights in 3d view
- Preview rotation no longer resumes after you've stopped it [/list]
If you care to test, grab a copy from
thanks for your suggestions,
This is a really cool utility.
downloaded & tested.
Hello Ryan ,
Your CRAZYBUMP rocks - I've done a few test and I've got some problem in a 3D real time. The flip'ing axes doesn't works to me in a 3D real time. Maybe I do something wrong ?
Go and see my web page what I've prepared specially for You.
thank You
Anyway it is really great, will save me a lot of time, thx a lot Ryan!
I'd prefer it just be an option on save. It'd be easier to understand the options if they were two checkboxes instead of one button, since I could see exactly what axes are negated. Also would help to have an image preview in the save window, to see what the negations are doing before I actually save.
Our engine currently likes X-left & Y-down, so it helps me if I can check the non-lit normalmap to verify protrusions are facing the right way. I don't want to see the lit normals being affected by negation, since I wouldn't expect your shader's orientations to match ours.
I think what you want is to recolor the guy's beard and hair, to make them white. Inverting the whole map would mess up his nose and lips, which look correct already. Your best bet is to whiten his hair in a paint program, and then take him back into CrazyBump.
"Flip normals" is really a config setting for the app. It doesn't affect the bumpmap that you're editing. It just affects the colors used by the 2D view. I see that I placed it in a confusing spot. I think I'll follow Eric's advice here and move it to a save-options dialog.
thanks for the testing!
I would be most grateful if you could send me an example where you've found CrazyBump doesn't do the best job. I hope thereby to improve the tool!
It sounds like you could benefit from a slider to adjust the weight of fine details in CrazyBump's "normals from broad curves" filter. Is that in the right ballpark?
How about alphabetizing the file formats in your Save dialog? Took my a little bit just to find TGA in there.
I did some tests and here's what I came up with:
I take back my previous comment about crazybump not doing crisp detail well, the version I had was pretty old and would crash on option 2.
New version does large detail really well compared to Nvidia but with a wide curve small details suffer.
So I ended up exporting 2 maps and combining them to get a good result. Perhaps a weighting option would be good so this can be done in one pass.
Let me know if that doesn't work!
I see what you're going for. I'll add a smooth / rough slider, so that you can do that one step. Thanks!
This is verry nice, you just need to make a good height map before you get it in CrazyBump(like making the hair on a face white instead of black). Directly importing the color map leads to some height errors.
Anyway it is really great, will save me a lot of time, thx a lot Ryan!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hi diZzyWalnut,
I think what you want is to recolor the guy's beard and hair, to make them white. Inverting the whole map would mess up his nose and lips, which look correct already. Your best bet is to whiten his hair in a paint program, and then take him back into CrazyBump.
"Flip normals" is really a config setting for the app. It doesn't affect the bumpmap that you're editing. It just affects the colors used by the 2D view. I see that I placed it in a confusing spot. I think I'll follow Eric's advice here and move it to a save-options dialog.
thanks for the testing!
[/ QUOTE ]
ouupf I've just came home after work
1) generate normal map - NONE
2) generate normal map - FLIP Y
Export them both into Photoshop to make new file background
R -125, G -125 B, -255 and than first layer FLIP Y .... and second layer NONE.... and with eraser tool 100% just clean all the bad parties of normal map called NONE ( NONE is over FLIP Y - so in this case I'm going to clean all the hair , beard etc. etc.)....when is done - let's go for flatten image and save.
- I think that can works
Anyway I'm not going to sleep yet - so I will do the test.
Ryan ,
I think that's a pitty, if in 2D view we can do FLIP Y and we can NOT see the result in 3D view - 3D real time.
Can You think about that.
It's my first post on these forums and I was hoping for it to be some amazing artwork after using this crazybump app that my friend introduced me to...
So I download the .exe and run the installer and this happens...
Cheers guys for any help in advance.
changes include:
<ul type="square">[*]Added a "roughness" slider for generated normal maps.
[*]Fixed a tiling error in 3d shape filter. It should be totally seamless now.
[*]Moved normal axis inversion to a new preferences panel.
[*]Imported normal maps now retain their original intensity.
thanks for your help,
Could you run this program and send me a screenshot of its report?
I hope that this will help me figure out what is going on.
Thank you for helping with the beta test. I'm sorry it's not working for you yet!
I ran the .exe file and this is what it came up with...
Hope that helps some.
Also, download the new 2.3 beta of CrazyBump, just to be safe.
I have another test I will try to post later concerning more mechanical type maps that we had some problems with using the earlier versions but I have a feeling the roughness slider will apply to fixing that as well.
If you max out the 3d shape blend you get a really nice depth, if the roughness slider is maxed out on top of that it seems to cancel out some of the depth.
New Beta 2.4:
-Fixes the quirk with the roughness slider
My feedback:
I don't care for the flashy interface, and I think it detracts from the application. I was particularly annoyed that the window couldn't be resized. IMO you would be better off ditching the scrolling effects and custom graphics to focus on stability, useability and features, particularly if you want to sell it. Getting things done is otherwise nice and straightforward though.
I think the buttons would be more readable as text, or supplemented with text.
Enabling maximise would be nice, to allow as much viewing area as possible.
Being able to drag the texture around seamlessly zbrush-style would be helpful in dealing with edge-of-texture seams . If dragging is too much hassle, you could just add a checkbox that would offset the image 50%.
A tiling view would be useful to see how well the map repeats.
Adding a variable zoom to the 3d preview would be useful for checking out fine detail (there's zoom, but it could be better).
It's a nice tool, looking forward to seeing where it goes.
I like it. The fact that you can make changes to the radius, height etc and see the changes in realtime is a huge improvement in useability over the PS normalmap plugin.
My feedback:
I don't care for the flashy interface, and I think it detracts from the application. I was particularly annoyed that the window couldn't be resized. IMO you would be better off ditching the scrolling effects and custom graphics to focus on stability, useability and features, particularly if you want to sell it. Getting things done is otherwise nice and straightforward though.
I think the buttons would be more readable as text, or supplemented with text.
Enabling maximise would be nice, to allow as much viewing area as possible.
Being able to drag the texture around seamlessly zbrush-style would be helpful in dealing with edge-of-texture seams . If dragging is too much hassle, you could just add a checkbox that would offset the image 50%.
A tiling view would be useful to see how well the map repeats.
Adding a variable zoom to the 3d preview would be useful for checking out fine detail (there's zoom, but it could be better).
It's a nice tool, looking forward to seeing where it goes.
[/ QUOTE ]
I second all of these comments.
I hear ya on the UI. Everything you've suggested will be implemented.
One more thing to add: it would be nice to be able to open files by dragging them into the window from the file manager.
I like it. The fact that you can make changes to the radius, height etc and see the changes in realtime is a huge improvement in useability over the PS normalmap plugin.
My feedback:
I don't care for the flashy interface, and I think it detracts from the application. I was particularly annoyed that the window couldn't be resized. IMO you would be better off ditching the scrolling effects and custom graphics to focus on stability, useability and features, particularly if you want to sell it. Getting things done is otherwise nice and straightforward though.
I think the buttons would be more readable as text, or supplemented with text.
Enabling maximise would be nice, to allow as much viewing area as possible.
Being able to drag the texture around seamlessly zbrush-style would be helpful in dealing with edge-of-texture seams . If dragging is too much hassle, you could just add a checkbox that would offset the image 50%.
A tiling view would be useful to see how well the map repeats.
Adding a variable zoom to the 3d preview would be useful for checking out fine detail (there's zoom, but it could be better).
It's a nice tool, looking forward to seeing where it goes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hear-hear. I'm 100% in agreement.
Just a random thought, but it might be worth investigating to see if you could have this application directly integrated in to Photoshop as a plugin. Take all of Crazybump's process and application and allow it to be run from within Photoshop, using its UI protocols.
I say this for 2 reasons. The first being all the points made in the quoted text and streamlining the UI a little more. The second being that I don't particularily like have a lot of applications open while I work. A standalone application for normalmap generation was a bit much for me when I tested Crazybump. I prefer a lot of your applications offerings more-so than the nVidia filter - but the nVidia filters accessibility, I find, is greater.
Would be nice to load and save DDS files (8R8G8B, 8A8R8G8B, DXT5nm, etc.). Should create mips on save, Mitchell is my fav filter but Cubic would be fine.
Could file extensions be in alphabetical order?
When Intensity = 100, and Roughness > 0, each channel seems to go beyond the full 8bit range... they get clipped. Also happens when roughness = 0, just gets worse towards 100. For example, set roughness to 100, save, then check out the histogram for the red channel.