hey, there was a guy in another board that used some uber polywaste in a gun model , claiming it was next gen, so he could waste the polygons, and they barely added to the silhouette ( something like 30 sided cilinder etc ) so i made a small image showing detail balance dunno if it will help anyone or you can share your polywaste control advice etc...
Might wanna change "spended" to spent.
Too many people you 'But it's for next gen!" as an excuse, and need a slap.
That being said, polycounts don't really matter as much for static objects like that - add a weight mesh into the equation though and you need to store weights for every one of those verts. Then I'd get my mighty sword of Dobber out and do soome smiting.
The smoothing on faces means that you don't notice the non roundness except at the edges.
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That isnt entirely true. You will also notice non-roundedness on surfaces where there is something in the texture that wraps around the cylinder perpendicularly. For example a leg with a strap across it. If you dont have plently of sides on the leg as soon as the knee is raised the illusion the normal map gives is lost and the hard edges of the low poly leg are revealed. This is one of my art director's pet peaves.
Too many people use 'But it's for next gen!" as an excuse, and need a slap.
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Amen to that!
The worst is when the guy animating the guns is also modelling them. He knows exactly what parts will be seen, but still keeps them in. wtf! O_O I hate when they use a 20 sided cylinder for the barrel, then actually have it hollowed out 'in case' it gets seen from the front. Even if you do see it from the front (reloading or something) it would only be visible for maybe a couple frames. Nothing a texture couldn't handle. yargh!