I'm probably in deep water, but there seems to be no one irl to be able to help me with this one, first thought: "Polycount ftw!" hehe.. Anyhow, I'm browsing through my work , coming to this one, when I want to render it nicely it fails on me.

/\ This is how the model goes.

/\ And this is the renderingfailure.
I've been trying all things that at least I can think of.. Normals seems not to be inverted, I have no more lights than the directional light I should have. An .obj export/import didn't fix it either. :P (There are no normalmapping or such involved, just a simple crappy smoothed hipoly..)
Well, if anyone recognizes this problem I'm having do let me know how I can fix it.

Ghost: I've combined the mesh reassuringly and using the default lambert1 only. I checked yet again, though.
If I render with MayaSoftware, it renders correctly, which pinpoints it to being the mentalray options being the thug. Almost as if the setting "Make annoying part of mesh not being lit, but from back making it ugly as hell" is checked.