It was 8:50am, and I was in the watching the today show at home, getting ready for my morning college class. I remeber being glued to the TV all morning, watching the events as they happened. Ended up missing both morning classes, and eventually made it to campus, where almost everyone was watching a TV in designated classrooms. Most of my classes were cancelled or had very low attendance.
Anyone else remeber where they were on 9/11
I was back home in AZ when it actually happened. I was on my way to work, and was just picking up my then-girlfriend to take her to work. Needless to say, I used that tragedy as an excuse to take the day off work and spend it with the girl... doing... stuff.
hmmmm.... happened?
My cable box was installed about an hour later. Right after the cable guy left, I changed to CNN. About 2minutes later, the 2nd plane hit the tower. I was speechless. I sat there the rest of the day, chain-smoking and watching the world change.
I was lucky enough to not have lost anyone, but I know some people who did. I called everyone I could, to see if they knew anyone who was there. I'm glad that no one I knew was hurt.
Just like bearcub, we tried to access the news sites and they were ALL down. So we decided to wheel one of our media carts into the cafeteria and turn on the news. Shortly thereafter, the second plane hit. Most of our building was stuffed into the cafeteria at this point. My heart sunk and I'll never forget those moments. Especially watching the towers fall.
The news was throwing out all their usually unconfirmed reports at that time. I remember them reporting that bombs were going off in various cities.
I was glued to that set almost all day. I wasn't very productive that day, but I don't think many others were either.
The scary part came later in watching it did to otherwise rational people and how it became hard to argue reasonably with them. How this fear has driven our nation the last 5 years. How I had already been aware of Afghanistan since a group of artist and myself had being setting up a show for RAWA. Then based on that information against how we treated Afghanistan, and worse how it has become a secondary objective after all the promises we made.
Im not scared of terrorism. I never have. Its a reaction. Whats scary/worse is seeing the group think/fear unrational reaction from my fellow country men. How it has been used politically to drive a stake into dividing the nation.
everyone went to the gym to watch it unfold .. it was then that the 2nd plane hit live .. i was absolutely speechless, it was surreal
someone ran in and said that the pentagon has crashed a military plane into the twin towers
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Wow, now there was a completely rediculous statement (what they said
Just a note to elys: do you have to be such an insensitive prick? Is there any real reason for the last comment? I believe not.
i was at a friends house playing quake 3 over lan when his brother told us "oh my god, look whats happening" we all rushed there , i thought it was a movie at first etc...then his mother called and said " do you know the news?" then we didnt leave the living room for 5 hours...
Anyways, the teacher told our class, and I just shrugged it off like everything else she told me.
Kept through the day without really hearing about it again.
Got home, and my mom was watching something about it. I still didn't really care/know what the world trade center was.
Plus, my friend is convinced that in a few years, 9/11 is going to become a corporate holiday. Just imagine.."So, what'd you get me for 9/11?"
When I was driving to school that morning with my little brother (I was a senior in high school at the time, he was a freshman), the whole way I was thinking about the possibility of being drafted. I don't know why, but I didn't feel at all apprehensive or concerned about the idea of being drafted.
I was disappointed to find out that school that day would go ahead as scheduled. Nothing was really out of the ordinary; most people were talking about the attacks between classes, a couple teachers set up TVs playing the news while we did our school work, but other than that it was a normal school day.
There was a large forest fire not too far away, so all day the sky was overcast with an orangish-brown haze. Forest fires weren't an unusual occurrence for the area, but it was one of those things that seem to punctuate a significant moment. After school, I went home and played DoD for a couple hours while my mom was calling family members.
Plus, my friend is convinced that in a few years, 9/11 is going to become a corporate holiday. Just imagine.."So, what'd you get me for 9/11?"
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Hmmm... more like a military-industrial holiday. "So taxpayers, what'd you get your favorite politick for 9/11? OH! A dozen F-35 fighter jets? Wait until my best pal Lockheed hears about this, he's going to be thrilled."
when class ended i went back to the dorm and watched CNN for the rest of the day. skipped my drawing class and never went back to it.
do you have to be such an insensitive prick?
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one day 5 years ago, two buildings full of banks and law firms fell, due to reasons we're told very little about. today and for many years now men, women, and children are dying while we continue to grieve over a comparatively trivial event. an event that was exploited to justify an endless war. i'm sorry people died. but people are dying everyday, in a region most americans couldn't point out on a globe. very little mention on the TV. and it's always this way. insensitive? today is just another day. not patriot day. am i suppose to grieve about this every year?
Marcus Dublin
Artist Kaos Studios
According to UNICEF 1400 children die of hunger every two hours, can't see why I should really care about an event like that, only people who lost someone in the event should remember. Can't understand why everyone want to get involved with it...
I just read some stuff i wrote a week after and well i wanted to kill everyone and anyone who knew a terroist, and turn the middle east into a galss parking lot.
I certainly think people should be able to not care without being called names. Maybe a realistic view of the actual damage and human lives lost is exactly what we need to pull our heads out of our ass.
I liken it to feelin a disturbance in the force like a million voices crying out in fear :P
I have to aggree with ely.
According to UNICEF 1400 children die of hunger every two hours, can't see why I should really care about an event like that, only people who lost someone in the event should remember. Can't understand why everyone want to get involved with it...
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You should care about both, dolt.
Yes, thousands of people die every day. do they all die at once in a coordinated attack against some of the US's most symbolic buildings?
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No...I'm sure they don't. Since they don't have the luxury of living in the US, and working government jobs in a tall building in New York. What the hell kind of question is that? I've told what I did the day it happened. I explained how i feel about it, after being called a prick. After you've bought your 9/11 memorial T-shirt with american flag background, pull your head out of your ass and look up the word genocide. And this country hasn't exactly changed for the better since this event.
there will be bloodshed.