so i played some of the demo this evening... looks pretty damn badass. has some interesting rts concepts i haven't really seen before. only thing is... its really fucking hard! LOL and somewhat unballanced too... i've been playing the skirmish mode and man the fact that the germans can buy veterancy for their dudes KILLS, like just having lvl 3 veterancy on ALL my guys and having upgraded weapons on all of them will pretty much wipe out any equivalent allies unit. with allies by the time u even gain a point of veterancy half the squad's been wiped out... i guess building those field hospitals or whatever is an option, but they cost manpower so its kind of a trade off, just seems like so much more hassle than dumping like 300 manpower with some change and getting all ur dudes to a higher veterancy level. tanks also seemed way underpowered for what they cost to get in the game... like a couple of anti tank guns with some support infantry will pretty much stop everything, and the fact that u have to defend on all fronts spreads ur dudes out so thin that u can't really even amass any kind of stomping force, and if you sit back and let your areas get taken over while you're putting together an army you'll just lose since now your opponent is getting more resources than you. anyways, the game seemed pretty cool, i can see it being REALLY frustrating, like how i never managed to win a skirmish as allies vs axis... the only time i won was the one time i played as ze germans...
Anyhoo, this is far and away the best RTS I've played, Relic has done it again. (Dave- if you read this, nice work man
CheeseOnToast: i tried going with the tank upgrade tree, but got my ass handed to me every single time, so i just decided to forego tanks alltogether and focus on infantry, you can have a pretty diverse group of troops with just infantry, plus the resources you'd spend building those vehicle factories can be spent on getting the veterancy for your troops. ah well, i guess maybe i just don't know how to play with tanks, i could never get more than one or two in 1 location since i had to spread my forces out so thin to maintain my borders, and those anti tank guns destroyed my tanks every single time, if anything i'd say those things are way overpowered. ah well i'll look on the net for more infos maybe i'm doing something wrong.
EDIT: well ok maybe tanks aren't that bad... lol i had 4 veteran panzers and a tiger tank and that pretty much wiped out everything the allies had. those goliath things the bunkers spawn are BADASS... lol i had like 4 of them and blew them up in the middle of an allied rush, everything in there died. lol.
*goes off to download the demo*
How'd you land a copy? It's not supposed to be out until tomorrow
Bastid! hehe
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