Wow, this past Labor Day weekend was insane. My fiance and I just found out she is four months pregnant! She has been taking birth control the whole time but I guess I have super sperm or something! She's 20 weeks pregnant, we did the ultrasound and everything, it appears we will be having a little boy around January 23rd, 2007! Really caught us off guard, but now we're starting to feel up for it, researching and preparing ourselves for the incoming bundle of joy and dirty diapers!
I know last week Harlequin announced he has a kid on the way, who else here is expecting or recently has had a birth in the family? Any words of advice from the experienced parents is appreciated!
Congrats to you and your fiance!
I've personally been expecting a baby for 10 years!
Congrats ebagg - it'll be a trip!
I've personally been expecting a baby for 10 years!
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Me to thank GOD for rubbers !
Henceforth ye shall be known as "ebagg, he who may kill a man at twenty paces with his sperm".
My wife and I are expecting our first October 27. It's a BOY!! as for a name.."Logan" is the clear favorite..
Pretty crazy to imagine it...the next-gen of polycounters is on the way haha!
I've got 2 boys...
I love'm to death, but damnnnnn they're a handfull
Get all the rest and relaxation you can right now
Grats though.
We're getting quite a collection of polybabys. I should make a post asking who's had children since becoming polycounters
Congrats to both of you..
My wife and I are expecting our first October 27. It's a BOY!! as for a name.."Logan" is the clear favorite..
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my middle name!
kids when I find the right mother. a few missed turns over the years. I'm in the same boat as Adam
hehe, damn, that's good news, but it's also foreboding ... I was hoping those pills worked all the time! Damn it, the statistics are right! Graarrr!
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I told you that you need to up the dose but you just kept laughing and singing songs off of "Up the Dose" See what that got ya? HUH?
And one big lumped "CONGRATS!" to all you fertile folks. =]
Luckily we have a great amount of supporters, both our parents live close by as well as many of my old friends from high school. Now all I gotta do is appeal to the managers at my apartment complex and hopefully they will let us out of the lease early so we can move to the east side suburbs near my job and where I grew up!
Wow, congratulations! Hell of a way to find out. 4 months! Crazy.
We're getting quite a collection of polybabys. I should make a post asking who's had children since becoming polycounters
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I've had 3 since becoming one.
Congrats, Ebagg
Should be here any day now.
i heard that if you get preg when ur on depo shot that your baby can be disformed? is that false ?
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Well damn now you got me worried, thus far we've had two ultrasound techs look at the baby, and they've all said it looks perfectly healthy. They do measurements on the internal organs and the skeleton as well.
The one thing I've read that Depo-Provera can increase the risk of premature birth. I'd have to look into what factors are risks but since she had only had the shot once, it won't be an issue.
The wife and I are epecpting a boy in about 3 months. This will bring us up to 4 now. I gotta figure out what makes this happen before we end up with 5.