I need to pose some Zbrush model. I mean just pose it, no need for fancy rigging systems and whatever.
My idea, which i really thought it was the usual workflow, is after sculping it in a current T pose, i'd just go 1 subdivision level, export it to Max, pose it as i will, reimport it in Zb, and it would automaticaly be done as it is still the same tool.
But all i got is an extremely bugged model.
So it's my workflow what is wrong? or a bad luck bug just on this model (guess that would teach me to save a lot of different files while i work on Zb, same as everyone learn a few years back with Max

) ?
When you export, make sure you have Groups unselected (tools>export>), if you have assigned polygroups to your model then exporting it would cause it to be split into pieces. Reconnecting these would change the vertex order and mess things up.
You might want to try exporting as .dxf . When I imported .obj files into Blender to uv map, it would disconnect two vertices and of course alter the vertex order. But dxf worked fine for going back and forth, might help you in max.
Now it's working well. Feeling like a noob
Thx a lot for posting Lupus;) I'l try have to look up for a plugin to export as *.dxf .