I know there´s already a thread about this, but i think my problem is a little different.
After unwrapping I exported the model as .obj file.
In Milkshape the model shows up fine...but the Uvmaps seem to be f*cked.

Looking at the Uvmap in milkshape´s editor i realized that all of my sews are gone...as well as a bunch of other lines of my uvmap.

I installed Max´ Servicepack 3 and exported again but it didn´t help any.
Will I have to redo the Uvmaps again or is there a way to preserve what I have so far?
It´s not a problem of Milkshape or the .obj as far as i know.
I have other bodyparts unwrapped in the same way that work fine.
Thx in advance for any help

No change.
I have another question.
When I put a texture on my model in Max it looks like it has a really low resolution...is there a way to show the true resolution in the viewports?
Resolution is controlled in your video card setup, somewhere in Max's Preferences (sorry don't have Max here now). There's an option in the DirectX dialog named something like "Nearest Resolution" next to radio buttons for 256, 512, etc.