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polycounter lvl 18
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TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
I don't mean to restart the recently closed thread about that guy's article, but I just saw this on CNN.com:


$100 million. That's Dr. Evil money, earned in one week, selling essentially the same game they sold at this time last year. I'm not posting this in judgment one way or the other, but instead to show why the industry, like any other media market, trends the way it does. If I'm running a business and I can choose either to gamble my capital in an unproven attempt to reinvent the wheel or I can simply publish a 'sequel' that's the revenue equivalent of being handed Bill Gates' ATM card, the choice is clear.

The issue of innovation and creativity is fought far down in the trenches of development; for the guys at the top of mountain, the ones who are accountable to the stockholders, no innovation is ever going to pull their attention away from a check with nine figures on it.


  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    Of course, all that shutting down on the online services of the previous year's EA games had something to do with it.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i dont blame EA for rehashing the crap every year, from a business standpoint its a good idea expecially since it raking in so much dough. What pisses me off is that from these games that earn so much money they have the capitol to treat their employees like gold, and take a risk every now and then on something new and ground breaking, instead they want to just take the safe route and keep making more and more crap that sells and cut out the guys that actually bust their balls making these games, and in turn them very rich. i have never worked for EA but i do know more than 5 people that have, and none of them had very nice things to say about their time there, with games that sell that many copies every single year would it be so hard to respect your employees?
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    and take a risk every now and then on something new and ground breaking

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Spore. Spore. Spore.

    Personally I'm going to boycott EA from here on out for one sole reason: They're forcing us to look at in-game ads in BF2142, using MY bandwidth to deliver them, and the fcking game still costs $50. Unfortunately I can see this becoming a trend. So fck EA for being the first for implementing this (yah there's been ads in games before, but never like this... this really feels like the first truly mature stage of in-game advertising)
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Ferg: got a link with some specifics on BF2142's advertisements? I would like to know more...
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Verm, by the same token it should allow them to research and sponsor more inventive type games with these obvious cash cows. Hollywood does this. Spore being one though even thats more a evolution than a revolution. Spore being the only one I can think EA doing, and thats only because of the developers previous history.

    Oh, with those that do offer experimentation... actually attempting to market these experiments versus funding development and claiming new game play/ideas don't work while in reality it failed from the lack of exposure.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Kinda like Cable TV. I pay directly for that service, yet am still bombarded with advertisments. If you can work product placement into contemporary themed games? Well, ok that doesn't bother me that much. Pepsi cans in FEAR or some such thing? Great. But to put an advert Im required view in a futuristic game, using my bandwidth? Screw that noise. They can go straight to hell. They already make plenty of money.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18

    I would think its more like paying for premium cable scooby. You know, like showtime. If they were cheaper then that type of marketing could be more justified, but if your paying full price..

    Back OnTopic
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    well i dont think EA can say much to Will Wright, he did create the largest selling game of all time, if he wanted to i am sure he could crap in bag and call it a game and EA would publish it. i bet if any other designer in the industry approached EA with spore they would laughed at. i can honestly say EA has nothing to do with spore. Spore is pretty much like madden, they know will wright will come correct with sales so they are all aboard. there is no risk invovled in spore, or no forseeable risk letting the guy who made them bazillions of dollars have a chance at potentially making them a bazillion more. they are inovating nothing, just hoping to cash in on one mans genius. if i had a billion dollars i would give it will wright to do what ever the hell he wants as well, that is not innnovation its an investment.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    ebagg: Here's a link to the story

    "The ads will initially appear in Battlefield 2142, apparently because gamers from the future have traveled back in time to tell EA that combat is only realistic when it features billboards promoting Visa."

    And, though I havent seen it confirmed, I've heard rumors that the C4 is being nerfed in relation to the billboards so you won't be able to blow them up or hide them under blast marks.

    and here's a link to the bf2 preorder page on gamestop... for $49.99
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry, sorry Off topic again
    [ QUOTE ]
    And, though I havent seen it confirmed, I've heard rumors that the C4 is being nerfed in relation to the billboards so you won't be able to blow them up or hide them under blast marks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If true this is exactly what some of us have been trying to say about in game advertisements. They <u>will</u> effect the possibilities of game play as not not upset the marketer. You cant have one without the other. Its not a simple manner of "its only a ad, it doesnt effect anything".

    I just didnt expect to see this happening so early.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    On the issue of licensed products altering gameplay, that's been an issue for some time, just on a less overt scale. I think it's the Gran Turismo games which have licensed the rights to use virtually every race-worthy car on the planet, but are contractually obligated with several manufacturers not to show the vehicles being severely damage. That's why you can slam your car into a wall and still drive a nearly-mint looking autp. Realism suffers in favor of product recognition, and that's been going on for a while.

    I don't personally mind product placement as long as it's peripheral to the game and doesn't interrupt it. Don't make me watch a commercial, that pisses me off. But if Visa wants to waste their advertising dollars via in-game ads, that's fine. I just feel bad for the poor dumb bastard who's gonna lose his job, once his corporate masters notice that pushing credit cards on video gamers through such blunt force marketing methods is not going to work. Did we learn nothing from Wayne's World (asphinctersayswhat?)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    On the other hand they distributed Katamari Damacy over Europe and I am glad they did!

    They increased the pricetag tho. 60€ here - wasn't it sold 19 or 29USD orginally?
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I assuming your saying football games suck.
    In which case, I agree.
    Boo football.
    Hooray creative, and actually fun games.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    ehh... wow makes nearly that much a month... every month... 6.5+ mil subscribers paying $15 each, not counting the game sales. Its also a sequel in every respect, IP wise its pretty much ok what happens after WC3, then gameplay wise its very much a sequel of many previous MMOs. I mean ok comparing wow to Madden is a bit extreme, there's obviously a ton more love put into wow than madden, but still its designed to make money, and thats what it does. smile.gif

    gamedesign truf #1 design your game around $$BENJAMINS$$ not cool innovative ideas nobody else but you cares about smile.gif
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I assuming your saying football games suck.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, I'm not saying that.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Ferg... just wanted to comment on the ads in games. It's not that bad a thing, unless it causes you to be pulled out of the game experience. In fact, it's a good thing. Look at the fartin industry. Around 80% of games don't even break even. Maybe if they start taking a hint from the movie and television businesses and throwing some ads in they can make more money and companies will be willing to spend more making these creative games you all talk about.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    I can guarantee you that right this instant EA is looking at even more ways to cut development costs on Madden. Even more people are going to get laid off and even more jobs are going to be outsourced. The game is going to continue to be the same mediocre, stagnant clone of a title that's been out for years. All so that they can make $150 million next year.

    In-game ads are just another way to earn extra cash that they are not going to put back into the company and certainly are not going to put into making better games*.

    EA's only concern is to make money, and then make more money. That is what the company is founded on. Making good games only becomes a factor if the games are bad enough to hurt sales. So far brand names have proven to be far more effective than quality experiences, so they are under no pressure to make creative and fun games and probably will never be any time in the future.

    *some small developers might make good use of this stream of revenue, but not EA or any other large company.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Around 80% of games don't even break even.

    Overblown budget + bad game = loss?
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ferg... just wanted to comment on the ads in games. It's not that bad a thing, unless it causes you to be pulled out of the game experience.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats what Ferg is saying. It is pulling you out of the expreience. To expand upon what Verm is saying. Lets take soda pop cans and snack machines. No longer will player be able to damage them, they will also be immaculate. No cans on the ground, or dirt. The rest of the game may be cyberpunk, but these will stick out like a sore thumb. Then posters or billboards, again can't have that gritty realism. Mc'Ds in your GTA? Can't go in and hold it up, that would present a bad image to the company.

    Not to mention what this might do to the mod scene (now this is a extreme hypothetical example). Teams will be required to have this advertisement in their levels. Why? Because the factor or lost revenue. The developer will see lost income as they cant serve up as much advertising because players will be expanding into non developer based creations.

    I'll accept that advertising will play a role in SOME titles. But it can't for all. It also I think will require the developer to first have their developement goals and play style concrete. Then shop for a advertising role that will fit the developers style. Too often we have seen the opposite in hollywood, where the advertiser dictates the direction of the movie versus the movie dictating the direction of advertising.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    I see what you (and Ferg) are saying, however it's all fairly hypothetical right now as far as I can tell. I've yet to see a soda can or vending machine like you mention. If it happens and my gameplay experience is messed by it, I won't play that game. I just think that boycotting an entire company for something in a game not even released yet is both premature and extreme. I also have no problems with game companies trying to make extra money. :P

    (On a side note, I know it's not the same everywhere, but almost all EA employees I've talked to in Vancouver have actually said that they were treated very well.)
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    eh... I was never really planning on getting the game... enviros look boring as butt. It's the principle of the thing, man. I can see this helping out smaller developers by softening the costs of liscensing an engine and general development expenses. I just really don't like advertising. As Oxy was saying, if the ads are appropriate and don't hurt the suspension of disbelief or anything (pepsi machine in virtual mall or something), it's not as bad. But just plopping a billboard down in the middle of a futuristic mech/squad combat game... that's just tacky.
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