well, i have a bit of a headstart on this, but it fits perfectly with the challenge! so i hope i'm still allowed to enter.
the suit is based around the armorme character posted on polycount quite a while ago.
its currently far too poly heavy at around 8000, but i'm going to reduce it to the set count(theres a lot of under-armour cabling and such, as well as several layers of regular kevlar body armour.
the suit is made to resist high-velocity 25mm apfsds,
from the front, and 7.62mm from the rear.
i got the paper concepts somewhere around, although i gotta dig a bit.
thinking about having a spall-protecting undersuit, with a fire-retardent layer, that is put on, before adding the suit itself, although i'm a bit uncertain about how the suit is to be put on.
its probably going to need airconditioning in desert climates heh. hmmm..
weight: around 500-600kg (not sure yet)
built in weapon: 16mm short-barreled full-auto machine cannon capable of firing up to 250RPM.
bullet types includes ap and he-frag.
max carrying capacity: 700-800kg
ammunition carried: 430 rounds
sustainable running speed: 35-40kph
max running speed: 50kph
How about that left leg? Good luck on bringing down the polycount, tons of areas that can be normal mapped.
SupRore: the rules are rather basic, looking forward to seeing an entry from you!
the gun armor functions as a shield, when held towards the enemy, and most of the body is heavily protected on the front.