I'm having a little bit of a problem baking normal maps in maya using floating geometry to create my high poly model. It seems maya either doesn't like floating geometry much or I'm doing something wrong. I set the serach envelope to search inside and outside the envelope. I've tried tangent and object space. Neither work properly.

Has anyone experienced this? Are there any external normal map generation programs I should look at?
Try putting your floaties BEHIND the main piece (sounds wrong, sometimes works).
Render floaties on their own, combined the two normal maps in photoshop.
This morning I tried to edited the envelope and move the floaties closer to the low res model. However I'm getting more or less the same results. I've tried several different option set ups and nothing seems to work. Sometimes it partically renders the high res geometry on it.
Here are my settings:
Here are the results:
I'm going to try baking them individually, however for long term use that method doesn't seem time effective for me to use. I'm also going to move the floaties behind the object and see if that works. Its simple enough to bake a normal map with the geometry imbebbed in the high res cage but it seems maya doesn't like floating pieces.
I'll keep you updated.
I haven't had a chance to try too much with high poly texture normal maps. I'll take those out and maybe just reconstruct the whole thing to see if I can get any better results.
That was uncalled for Adam. I come in here everyday and work to the best of my ability. All you do is put me down. I've had other offers at other companies. I came to threewave because of the people and the atmosphere. Now I'm not quite sure I want to continue my stay at work here.
I was able to come to a solution with to my problem. I think the key is the orientthe floating geometry behind the object. I did this with a plane and then a high detailed model and it seemed to work out alright. I'm doing some more testing and will post my final results in a little bit.
Adam calling people noobs. Thats fucking priceless right there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fuck you Asian sub-d h0m0.
Heres what I got to yesterday.