howdy guys.
Ive got myself into a pickle,my transform gizmo in studiomax 8 has dissapeared,literally gone.
I was messing with my UI earlier in the day,just keystrokes,but there was no problem immediatly after,or at least i didn't notice it..I saved out the whole UI and ran that.
now after struggaling to move things and finding it damn hard to do basic transformaions I suddenly notice why,my transform gizmo has gone. this is the x-y-z axis constrain that appears in the middle of objects.
we have no idea what ive managed to do and have tried serveral things in cluding the following,to no avail:-
* resetting,loading and running the default UI settings.
*resetting the scene/mergeing things into new and orginal scenes.
*restarting max.
*using plus and minus to scale the gizmo to make sure I hadn't scaled it stupidly small.
* looked through Help and tried adjusting various menu settings,don't wnat to do this to much as no doubt ill mess something else up

* replaced my UI folder with a co-workers and still no effect.
So,what silly thing have i done this time,any ideas?
rather try and avoide a reinstall if possible.
Thanks in advance.
Does that help? Alt-x is just my own shortcut btw. I work with gizmo hidden 50% of the time...
is your monitor plugged in?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm pretty sure someone posted the exact problem (not fixable with X) here just a few weeks ago. Can't remember how they fixed it, though.
Doesn't solve the prob though.
you really haven't earned your max "wings" until you've accidently tapped the shortcut key and pulled your hair out for hours trying to get the gizmo back.
I swear they only leave it in there shortcutted to give noobs thicker skin.
I found the problem..eventurally.
basically somehow id changed the setting under Views- Show transform gizmo to off.
as simple as that.
What I can't understand then is what the toggle transform gizmo on/off setting under Customize-Gizmo setting acturally does...and how all 3 of tehse relate to the famous X....anyway,problem solved,remember kids check you have everything showing under your view settings as well as hitting X and makign sure everything is on in the customise-gizmo menu.
Gah,max crazyness.
Thanks for your time guys anyway.