Since it's announced i thought it could be cool to shamelessly plug the game we are working on here in Stockholm!
Its called Battlefield: Bad Company and is due for release 2007:ish
Here is a website with scans from our release article in Game Informer:
Happy reading

Im really psyched about this project, Im workin on the houses (togheter with cubik) and its really starting to shape up. As far as my first title i couldnt be happier heh
Is there going to be a coop modus?
Is it not going to be a unplayable buggy mess like all the other battlefield games?
Moz: we are trying to make it as buggy as possible to keep the old "BF-feel"
Marcus Dublin
Artist - Kaos Studios
Is it not going to be a unplayable buggy mess like all the other battlefield games?
[/ QUOTE ]Given that just clicking on the second image caused my computer to bluescreen and then reboot, things might not be looking so good. You're lucky I had everything saved, Motives.
Also really exited about my first game job, will be great to hear what you guys think once it's released.
Like worms.
Hours of fun with my friends. The only thing that got us was the turn based thing. ME and my friends like fast paced action for multiplayer, and destructive enviroments...
this could be perfect. Seriously. The idea of bombing a building actually blowing it apart is sweet.
But why announce another BF already? 2142 isn't even out yet.
I agree when things go boom it makes me happy.