Hey nice stuff, your web site looks nice too.
But a couple of small things that pop up right away, if you fixed would improve your website / character display.
.The characters have a white pix halo around them which needs to be removed.
.I would also make the shadow smaller behind the 3-D character thumbnails.
But other than that you have a nice portfolio going there.
Watch the length of those shorts - that knee length is a bastard to get to deform properly. Making them a bit shorter or longer will just make life easier.
thanks rick, actually I played around with that alot and making them longer gave me some really weird looking proportions that just didnt work, and making it shorter (above the knee) made me look really gay haha so I decided to add a few itterations around it and just go with it, it shouldnt be to much of an issue. thanks though.
Also the highlight on pecs is too sharp.
Right now it looks like you have some weird edgy manboobs
But a couple of small things that pop up right away, if you fixed would improve your website / character display.
.The characters have a white pix halo around them which needs to be removed.
.I would also make the shadow smaller behind the 3-D character thumbnails.
But other than that you have a nice portfolio going there.
thanks again.