I'm just done learning Zbrush and my friend tell me that a new app is out and it is apparently better than Zbrush. I've looked into it a bit but I don't feel ready to burn my head for another week.
If anyone can fill me up on ''why is better'' or ''why is not''. I'd like to hear your tought about it.
and ZB is comeing out whit 2.5 sone
It's kind of the same type of thing as how Bodypaint is. I really like using it to paint most of my models in, but it has too much of the cinema4d tools lingering around making it confusing to new users. If there was a straight up model painting app that focused on emulating photoshops psd layers 100% and had a decent brush system, I'd jump to that in a heartbeat.
It's all about what's easier for you, though.
she's never worked with a 3d app, and can barely draw in photoshop.
in comparison, she just stares blankly at the zbrush interface.
not zbrush vs Mudbox=)
Its important things like this that should just "work" in a new app hoping to trump current tech.
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well theres the problem.. mudbox is not a "new" app.. its an app thats in beta.. which means its not finished. hopefully they will fix that for you.. but also i've exported several objects from mudbox to max. with no issue
also it seems there is nothing you can do in mudbox that you can't do in zbrush.
would be cool a merge, mudbox interface with zbrush tools in an organized way...
Maybe theres a setting somewhere to turn this off if so i dont know about it.
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Nope, i read in the help file or whatever, that it's not yet possible to properly subd a mesh with triangle(s)...it's beta after all. As you said, easy to fix.
I love mudbutt so much i'm getting a face tattoo, Mike Tyson style!
Oh oh, make if thats the case and you're having problems importing files just make sure you have quads and no tris! For some reason mudbox will triangulate all polys as tris if you have a single triangle. Maybe theres a setting somewhere to turn this off if so i dont know about it. Anyway a quick fix to this is to just meshsmooth your model in max before you sub-divide and it will make only quads.
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Having Tris in your model will definitly f*ck it when you'll try to get it subdivided (web-ish style subdividing), but you definitly CAN import without any problem a triangulate mesh in mudbox. I personally got some import problems whith importing obj from max to mudbox when I tried the software for the first time (the mesh was loaded by mudbox but I wasn't able to see it in the viewport...). FOR ME, it was just a obj cfg problem. Just make sure your # of Digits is not bigger than 6 or 7 (with Zbrush, I always put this number to 12 to maximise the matching, but it looks like it doesn't work sooo well with mud box. Btw, 6 or 7 is just enough
I've only had Mudbox for a day and I impressed with its ease of use
The Zbrush demo was about as productive to me as a McDonalds employee trying to design an office building.
As to the choice, it depends on cost really. Zbrush + gnomon training dvds may be cheaper than the final mudbox price. no idea. But i'll take the time to learn either to get the job done.
thread : http://www.silo3d.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7196
" Mudbox is 100% middleware. Thanks to simple apps like Nvidia Melody, people can develop normal mapped models without splashing out more cash.
Even with Zbrush you can make a model from scratch, paint, and normal map it, then take it into a larger app like XSI or maya and rig and animate it.
Let's face it with the release of Silo 2, mudbox is going to have to be damn competitive in pricing! If it's more than $250 I can't see many freelancers or smaller studios actually buying it. It would be hard to justify. "
has anyone tried rendering a normalmap within mudbox? cos im having trouble with that.
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I have. The map comes out fine, but im having problems making it work in max
i've yet to export an obj to mudbox from max successfully(even going via silo causes problems). Its important things like this that should just "work" in a new app hoping to trump current tech
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You're right...Autodesk should update its outdated OBJ export script so that it's able to work with newer apps. As it stands, exporting OBJ from Max is not advised.
not up to the same level as say zbrush, but it's purpose is painting detail for items already created. And honestly it does the job quite well.
I've only had Mudbox for a day and I impressed with its ease of use
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seems like they took the old habware obj exporter , from max 5 and incorporated that in to all the subsequent versions of max. Very lazy IMHO