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Reference3d-Professional Reference Material

Reference3D is a stock database which is catering to the 3d community. Unlike 3d.sk who specializes on human form, we specialize in unique hard to find content. Content such as WWII uniforms, ranging from polish tankers to WWII Medics. We will locate content for you and shoot it and add it to our database. Or you can subscribe to our database for a low fee. Our database is still under construction, but we are offering a free download of a 25 image set of a WWII Medic. Please contact us for more details!


  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    isnt the point with why specific content is so hard to find just that you cant say what you want until you really want it? smile.gif
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    Lose the fucking music. Christ, does this still need saying?
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I've always had a hard time finding good reference images for environments. Not so much things like reference images for use with building a texture, but the larger things that you'd look at when building the model. I've had several instances where I've tried to find a decent sized image of a skyscraper (at nighttime), to see how the interior lighting comes out from the windows. The best examples I could ever find of this were from larger pulled out shots of city life. Things like that where it's a specific part of something much larger that are quite common make it difficult to find something useful. I just don't have the time to go to an actual location and get the picture I'd need to work from.

    Hmmm.. I'm not really sure if any of that makes sense.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Nice idea. I found the 'Sound' button but I agree that sound should be off. Nice flash too except I would suggest having the 3 panels roll about twice as fast when you change sections. It would irritate me to be hunting for something specific and have to wait for panels rolling. Quite a few animators it seems suffer from time dilation wink.gif
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Not to pick at you, but how is Military equipment hard to find reference pictures for? Army surplus, or re-enactment sites have tons of it. Not to mention every other game on the shelf is WW2 or military related.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    just a suggestion: if you going to appeal to a wide range of individuals looking for images, i'd loose the flash website and stick with simple html for quick scanning of images.
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