When it comes to covers, you've gotta love Richard Cheese!
Not to derail the thread, but does anyone know of any cds/bands/artists/resources/etc of acoustic songs? I find the greatest sound is an acoustic guitar and someone that can sing. Love that clean sound.
And spacy, not all of their stuff is acoustic, but Green Carnation's "Acoustic Verses" album is excellent stuff. If you want some samples from it I can get ya some as well.
(If you look on your own check for Alone and Sweet Leaf, they're my personal favourites. (Alone is based ont he E.A. Poe poem of the same name by the way)).
Spacey - Whatever you use for your music just search for "acoustic". I've got a ton of Acoustic music that way. If you're a fan of the Foo Fighters they recently put out a double album of acoustic songs.
mind you my fave cover has to be this one:
what was with the backing singer with the oven attacks and arse hanging out...?
(Bjork's "Who Is It?" for reference
When it comes to covers, you've gotta love Richard Cheese!
Not to derail the thread, but does anyone know of any cds/bands/artists/resources/etc of acoustic songs? I find the greatest sound is an acoustic guitar and someone that can sing. Love that clean sound.
And spacy, not all of their stuff is acoustic, but Green Carnation's "Acoustic Verses" album is excellent stuff. If you want some samples from it I can get ya some as well.
(If you look on your own check for Alone and Sweet Leaf, they're my personal favourites. (Alone is based ont he E.A. Poe poem of the same name by the way)).
Jonathan Coultin - Baby Got Back
I am also a fan of Video killed the radio star by presidents of the usa.
Presidents of the United States of America - Video Killed the Radio Star
and lastly, You cant go wrong with the leningrad cowboys
The Leningrad Cowboys - Sweet Home Alabama