I've made a virtual version of the physical blank subway car and it came in at around 23k polys, not too high, not to low, since it is supposed to be easy to customize.
HEy IT's The weather cutter! Long Time no see! The last Time I saw anything from you was the bald dude Terminal Reality art test!
Unless this is a different Wetterschneider, in which case I will shut up.
Ghost! I hope there aren't that many Wetterschneiders crawling around. You know why, I guess I don't post much here, unless it's low poly, and that was my only "recent" low poly model at the time.
I've done a lot since then, but dang it all, I'm under NDA on all the fresh stuff.
Hey Slash, yeah, what? I am in IRC right now! Where are you? I posted the 2 trains as SDKs over in the SDK section if you want to download and customize them. One is the 23k model with UV's simply laid out. And the other is a printable, foldable paper model.
Unless this is a different Wetterschneider, in which case I will shut up.
I've done a lot since then, but dang it all, I'm under NDA on all the fresh stuff.
looking pimp!