I can't seem to get Maya to start a new scene set to meters. Everytime I set it in the prefs, save prefs and open a new scene it reverts to cm. Also the grid and near/far clip plane don't keep the new values. Is Maya being dumb or am I? Is this a known problem that I haven't known about? Thanks for the help.
setAttr "perspShape.nearClipPlane" 0.001;
setAttr "perspShape.farClipPlane" 1000;
select -r top ;
setAttr "topShape.nearClipPlane" 0.001;
setAttr "topShape.farClipPlane" 1000;
select -r front ;
setAttr "frontShape.nearClipPlane" 0.001;
setAttr "frontShape.farClipPlane" 1000;
select -r side ;
setAttr "sideShape.nearClipPlane" 0.001;
setAttr "sideShape.farClipPlane" 1000;
I'm sure someone here has a less heavy-handed solution.