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The Quest for Zbrush

polycounter lvl 18
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Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
It's friday evening, everyone went home early, and its been a somewhat productive unreal day. Worked on the base model for about 2 hours (not very good at character modeling) his jaw doesn't look menacing enough to me. frown.gif


Did a real quick paintover what I'd like it to look like. Remeber in finding nemo, that freaky fish in the darkness with the glowing light antler, imaging that but humanoid.

This is going to be my "6pm, staying at work for an hour or so" project to learn the tools of zbrush for adding details and to get better at texturing. Hopefully, the base mesh will be ok to export into zbrush.


  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Cool stuff. The fish you are talking about is the Angler Fish. Based on the angler fish your lower jaw needs to be far more prominant.


    Anyways, cool stuff. I did a 1200 poly model recently of a similar model (Except he was supposed to be a bit noble looking rather than scary, and had squid tentacles for legs) so I look forward to seeing your interpretation of a similar subject matter. smile.gif
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Tulkamir: yeah, I saw your model it looked really nice! I liked the paint over that MoP did.

    Few hours last night, understanding the workflow and how to sculpt. Definately easier using a wacom tablet over a mouse!
  • Silva_Spoon
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    Silva_Spoon polycounter lvl 18
    Its nice seeing you tackling characters for a change. Character modeling is a different animal than environments. Just like you have to think about the history of an object to pull it off convincingly for environments, you have to think of underlying anatomy with characters to nail them. RIght now I cant see what kind of bone structure there is underneath this skin you have begun. If you want the mouth to be more menacing, first think of how it opens. Does it have a jawbone? What kind of cheek bones does it have. You could go with the tried and true method of eyes sockets that are deep and a face thats skinny with the skull very apparent to convay the villian in the model. Just get a pencil and paper out or photoshop up some ideas for the underlying skull and it should get you on the right track.
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