Zoom in and do the deed then zoom out Working on detail the size of your finger would be awesome, especially when you zoom out and the line is pixel sized
That's awesome. It's like the interfaces in Minority Report (and other sci-fi movies), but real!
It would be very interesting to use in Mudbox or Painter (or ZBrush and Photoshop, if you like).
Then what needs to happen is make it recognise the user's fingerprints, so different actions can be assigned to different fingers - so you can "right click" with your middle finger, etc.
Repost of the same subject matter, but a different video I believe. I look forward to the day this kind of thing is commong place... it would really lead into the kind of interface you see in star trek; a kind of touch-anywhere do-anything control for a system. Combine that with biometrics for security and you could literally use your whole hand as a password.
I dont see how it would get all that tiring, it would be about the same as using a tablet all day, just with both hands. But realisticly you would still have a dominant hand. So i dont really see this needing that much more effort than a wacom+ hand on a keyboard already take. Perhaps a small amount more energy put into it than that but i dont think i've ever seriously strained myself from using my hand too much doing artwork lol...... ONLY FROM MASTURBATION
It's pretty neat but still rather gimmicky, I want to see this tech applied on digital art productively at Siggraph or something before I really get excited about it.
As cool as seeing the bar light up through multitouch technology was, I couldn't help but think about the possible connections this implementation promotes.
I hope they start to sell them, he said it was "cheap" too.
I want one touch-driven computer screen too..
Imagine that all of polycounters fingers in one screen ...
Though I dunno about zbrush and PS painting with it though. Be like finger painting, wouldn't it?
Still has some awesome posibilities though.
IRL it limits the line thickness and "brush" type but digitally you can just zoom and assign brushes.
It would be very interesting to use in Mudbox or Painter (or ZBrush and Photoshop, if you like).
Then what needs to happen is make it recognise the user's fingerprints, so different actions can be assigned to different fingers - so you can "right click" with your middle finger, etc.
god i love the future...
[/ QUOTE ]
My god that would get tiring.
This does look really damn cool though. A little gimmicky, but in that fun way.
I'm still waiting for 3d projection to do 3d modeling. That will be the bee's knees!
As cool as seeing the bar light up through multitouch technology was, I couldn't help but think about the possible connections this implementation promotes.
- BoBo