well i am moving house on thursday. been working my butt off , trying to get everything organised.
couldn't find a house in cambridge as it's so damn expensive and most landlords won't take pets( I have cat) so I am off to live with my ex in north london for a while.
will get the train from kings Kross then cycle to work from the station.
been so stressful, decided to start smoking again and have stayed drunk all this week . almost wish I hadn't got a new job, but will stick it out.
One I am settled I wil be ok , and will quit smoking/drinking again.
On the good side I like moving around and its fun to go somewhere new and start again,keeps life fresh. anyway this post is a bit rhetorical , so there

That said, lay off the bloody booze!
Ruz you shouldn't be allowed ANYWHERE with a fucking cat, grrr. To be honest I'd sack a cat off for cosey home, but thats me. You and your ex okay? I'd find that a little weird personally but if you two are okay..
my cat is my best friend, where I go he goes.I am pretty responsible really .I love animals more than humans, not in the literal sense though hehe
I used to live near leeds( wetherby) was a bit rough then back in the 70's
Leeds has had and probably still is under re-generation. Of course there's rough areas (notably Chapeltown) but what city doesn't?
I'm the same with dogs Ruz, in terms of friendship but cats.. I'd rather fucking eat the species..
Edit: I'd love a fucking Penguin around the house too, that'd be mint.
My MSN profile pic
yeah chapel town, my dad was a copper there back in the day, remember places like 'pontefract'