Hey people, I'm feeling a bit n00b-ish at the moment because I can't figure something out in Max, and I dunno if it's just me, or if it's because the 3dsmax designers have made a huge oversight (wouldn't be the first time!

Basically I have a grid snap in perspective view using 3D snap toggle, but it will only snap the object on the XY plane, I can't get it to move vertically at all.
I've tried only activating that axis, tried toggling the move gizmo, tried every combination of settings in the snaps options that I can think of, but it still won't have it.
Do I need to create a custom grid in the vertical plane to snap along the Z axis in perspective? Or is it just not possible at all?
Any help would be very much appreciated, this has been bugging me for a week or so, and Max's help files shed no light on the subject.
AFAIK, you'll have to switch to a side ortho view to grid snap on the Z axis.
It'd be nice if the grid was "3D", though.
Edit: It works fine if you create a custom grid and activate that, but again it's 2D only - you can only snap on 2 axes, which seems really dumb to me.
might be a bug
Although I do recall hearing people complaining about snapping in 3dsmax8 - haven't come across any problems (other than this) with it yet though.
(I must be your nemesis or something arsh
[/ QUOTE ]
not just you, i think i am one of the only character artists in the world that dosent work in perspective. doc rob use to give me shit all the time at mythic about working in an ortho view. i just hate the navigation in perspective and getting too close and going through the model. if the navigation was always the same like the orthos i would probably work in perspective more, i just hate how sometimes its super fast, others its super slow or dosent move at all, its just really unresponsive and unperdictable for me. so really the only thing i use it for is to make sure it looks right.
i find target weld does weird things in perspective also
working in orthos boggles me mind
The problem I find with pespective is the view itself.. or more, what lens angle most closely mimicks the human eye? Too many times I make something in maxs perp, than import into ued to see its pesp and angle look totally different. Perp is also useless when working on details because of the increased foreshortening the closer you get.
i have to say however, max's perspective distortion is actually decent. anyone ever worked with softimage 3d? that had perspective-from-hell.
never missed it in z either. if it's a feature scheduled for their next release, i just hope it can be toggled.
what makes the most sense to me, is finding out the fov of your game and modelling using that. wysiwyg.
thomasp, maxs fov is completely customisable. It seems pretty crap if softimages is fixed though.
the weird zooming can be countered with zoom extents selected, it resets the zoom of the view.
and it zooms in on sub-object selections as well, which is nice, when working in details.
i've also changed rotation to arc-rotate selected.
still, yeah the cut tool gets increasingly inaccurate the more you use it, until its completely impossible to cut anything with accuracy. and theres sometimes incidents where you try and select your object, and another object in your way gets selected instead, even though its facing away from you.