well for some reason I can only search like once a day on this forum lol, so Ill have to ask this question maybe prematurly. however I havnt been able to find it anywere so maybe not.
I am wondering if there is a way to project a texture on to a model, then bake out that texture in max. I want to do this multiple times on different angles then blend them together in photoshop.
I know you can do this in maya, however I am unsure how to in max, can anyone help me out?
bryan, thats what I thought of doing at first however doing it that way would change my uv cordinates that I set up so it wouldnt work.
basically I saw this maya tutorial that I wanted to try and use in max, because max rules! lol.
it involved doing a render of the front, side, back, and top of the head. taking those renders in to photo shop and painting your tex on to those so you get an exact look of what you want, then taking those ortho paintings and projecting the textures you just did through the same cameras on to the models. then you baked out the texture on all sides, and stiched it together in photoshop.
when I tried the camera map thing, I could not get the textures to line up what so ever, so I dunno, maybe im doing somthing wrong, or that way doesnt work for it.
anyways thanks for your help all, if anyone still has a suggesetion im all ears.
I'd do the material a bit simpler than Neil has it in that tut, but then again I'd avoid this whole method anyhow.