Sorry to get on the exerice topic again, but my a friend is on the same workout as me and he's been looking that those fat-burning pills that you can by to increase your metabolism. Back in the day, I took a drug called Xenadrine when I worked out and it made my heart race and made me sweat even before I went to the gym. It had so much caffeine that I couldn't goto sleep at night.
Wondering if anyone else is taking these "enhancement" suppliments. As you know im loosing weight the healthy way but this is an area that alot of people I know are taking them and getting results.
-addiction, if not biologically then mentally.
-what happens when you stop using them, does your body overcompensate, messing with your metabolism sounds risky to me
-making your heart race aint particullarly a good idea IMO, esp if your a bit overweight
personnally i dont like the idea of "quick fixes" its your body changing lifestyle will be much better in the long term
Thermogenics can be good stuff. Used intelligently, they are helpful in accelerating fat loss. I personally recommend Biotest's Hot-Rox:
They're currently sold out, but you can also get them at
Speaking for myself over the last several years, my diet has regularly included various whey and casein protein meal supplements, two types of thermogenics, creatine, high dextrose workout supplements (carbs are not the enemy!) and processed fish oil tablets. I'm not dead yet
I was taking a 1/3 creatine 2/3 whey protein mix on days that I was working out
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How much creatine were you using? Anything more than 5 grams a day isn't helping, as many (not all) training gurus believe the body can't absorb much more than that in a 24 hour period.
yeah but i bet there ahuge downsides that they arent tlking/thinking about yet like:
-addiction, if not biologically then mentally.
-what happens when you stop using them, does your body overcompensate, messing with your metabolism sounds risky to me
-making your heart race aint particullarly a good idea IMO, esp if your a bit overweight
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You just described caffeine, amigo.
Directions: Take one or two capsules two times per day, each time on an empty stomach with 8 oz. of water, allowing at least six hours between doses.
[taking 2 capsules on empty stomach = 3 hours spent on the toilet with the runs!
yeah but i bet there ahuge downsides that they arent tlking/thinking about yet like:
-addiction, if not biologically then mentally.
-what happens when you stop using them, does your body overcompensate, messing with your metabolism sounds risky to me
-making your heart race aint particullarly a good idea IMO, esp if your a bit overweight
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You just described caffeine, amigo.
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yep i wouldnt take it pure either XD
i never went past the 4-5 gram mark as advised on the bottle (err tub I should say heh)
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That's cool, but does it also mean you consumed only 10 grams of protein at that time?