Non CG Warning..
Group Project.. 15 days if labor between 20 people on and off (I was one of core members). Paper Mache with cardboard and wood support structure. Right arm is poseable. Blinking and moving eyes being added later..
All images copyright
Kim Graham Studios.

For Scale Reference...
Kim Graham (her initial concept/project/work) is in the lower left. Guy with hat (Robert) was the project coordinator and 2d concepts.

If anyone in Seattle is interested, it is being shown starting Thursday along with some of Kim Grahams other work in the Vidya Gallery which is on the second floor of 619 Western (Pioneer Square in Seattle).
Looks like it belongs in one of those Neverending Story/Labyrinth/Jim Henson movies.
How much do I have to pay you to make a forest of them for me?
So does version 2.0 have him walkin about with a robotic framework underneath?
But hes eyes give him away for being just a sculpture.
Are you people going to do something like that (sculptures like that) more often or was that a one off and you are going to work on the next idea.
Reminds me of why people should never let go of real life media completely. CG can never replace a piece of artwork you can actually put your hands on.
Awesome job.
- BoBo
BELONGS in a Jim Henson film