I looked at this again and I think the colors are making the whole scene feel kinda cold and arctic. and as far as I know there is only one "frozen beach" entry? ha
This is obviously retarded but maybe?:
For all I know that could be a cliched Jak & Daxter direction you dont want to go in at all.
Can't wait for the characters, hoping I've been around here long enough to recognize more than the one I do already.
That's some pimp water Ninjas, but I would have to agree with noritsune that the scene is looking dark and scary. Like its about to rain (even though you cant see clouds )
But other than that, its a great start and looking forward to seeing the final.
Ahhh.... I don't think I'm going to make it. A project with a hard deadline came up, but I'll put up what I have done. I'll probably continue to work on it for fun
looking good.
But looking good Ninjas.
This is obviously retarded but maybe?:
For all I know that could be a cliched Jak & Daxter direction you dont want to go in at all.
Can't wait for the characters, hoping I've been around here long enough to recognize more than the one I do already.
But other than that, its a great start and looking forward to seeing the final.
Here is the first character, it's a real shocker:
I only used a 128x128. Anything more than that was not pixalated enough for my taste.