That link will show you some game play.
You play this lil' hand drawn (child like drawing) of a guy in 2D fashion while adventuring in a 3D platformer world. Seems humans bring drawings to life to then frame them in boxes for their own viewing and curiosity. You play one that is trying to escape and free others. You can throw yourself into images and onto walls to hide as if you were just a drawing on the wall and slip into cracks behind furniture to avoid humans. Some stealth gameplay but it looks fun. The home site for the project is
I dunno. I thought it was amusing.
as for the gameplay, even if it's still just a demo, they managed to showcase a very nice panel of moves and ideas, I think they want to polish everything before distributing it tho.
nice walking animation
Seriously, though, that is COOL, especially for a mod project. If noone had said it was a mod I would have believed it to be a new full-on game coming out soon.
Looks nice, hope they can work it out nicely too.
on a more serious note,, game looks fantastic,, not a fan of the stiff animations,, but i can see what they were trying for,
I can't say the level design is really up to 2k4 standards maybe the original UT or Half-Life. It always hurts when you shrink a character down in the world, the level of detail that is expected is much higher. I would also expect to see more clutter. I would attribute this to a lack of referance. It looks like they mostly worked off of what they "know" about the world instead of taking the time to take pictures of allys, hallways (people). Even the cartoon-ish/real world style they have going could use more clutter.
It doesn't help that I can't translate the site so I can't find out too much about the game =/ Which I am really interested in. If they are looking to distribute this they should do localize the site in a few languages.
Looks like a cool idea, they just need to build off of it and expand thier knowelge/use of UnrealEd.
I'm one of the developers of this mod (concept, programming). It's nice to see people are interested in it. I know we have to make an english version of the website. We're going to make it as soon as possible
As Vahl wrote, this is a school project done by six students. It was produced in 6 months (after class hours). We aren't programmers, modelers or animators. This is the main reason everything isn't always looking as good as it should. I hope this is going to be enough for people to have fun with it when released.
Thanks for the support.