This looks fine and all, but I dont see a reason or use of a normal map. It looks like a single diffuse with a possible specular. Maybe Im missing something here.
cholden: I think he was just noting that the renders were from xNormal's model viewer (rather than a Max viewport), not that the model was using a normal map.
I like the base texture for the orangey bits of the gun. It's a nice metal. The scope seems a bit too matte and grainy, though.
i like the shape and look of the weapon but the texture makes it feel as if it were machined from a solid block of iron and the scope looks like it's made of concrete
cholden: Slum is correct, I was talking about the model viewer, sorry for any confusion. The model is currently around the 3,000 tris mark, and I'm using 1024* and 2048*512 maps.
Slum: Thanks. You're right about the scope, I'll certainly change that.
AdamBrome: It's for a realistic sci-fi mod, and the designs are intended to be rather conservative by most standards. The original concept wasn't produced by myself, but I think it's got enough of a futuristic style without looking too outlandish.
snemmy: Thanks for the crits, I pretty much agree with you on both counts. I'll see what I can do to alleviate the problem.
with the texture res you have, i would expect to see a lot more unique detail to utilize it. I think you have completely overbudgeted for what you have here. it looks nice, though.
What are the triangle counts and texture sizes?
I like the base texture for the orangey bits of the gun. It's a nice metal. The scope seems a bit too matte and grainy, though.
Slum: Thanks. You're right about the scope, I'll certainly change that.
AdamBrome: It's for a realistic sci-fi mod, and the designs are intended to be rather conservative by most standards. The original concept wasn't produced by myself, but I think it's got enough of a futuristic style without looking too outlandish.
snemmy: Thanks for the crits, I pretty much agree with you on both counts. I'll see what I can do to alleviate the problem.
Thanks for the comments everyone.