Howdy guys
I have been using Nurbs subdivision in edit poly mode to create my hi-poly meshes.
But now ive been introduced to the crease tool in the meshsmooth modifier
Now I tend to use the nurbs subdivision to "preview" get the final result then the meshsmooth + crease to get the hard edges I may want.
But the problem im having is the meshsmooth modifier tools are very slow as there is nothing like edge loop selction/grow/shrink etc.
Anyone know a of a plug-in or script that may add these selction features to meshsmooth,or maybe even something similar to crease into the nurbs sub-D tools under polyedit.
I had a quickie look at scriptspot nothing too much there.
I have a hotkey bound to "Show end result" to toggle the turbosmooth on and off without having to leave the EPoly. It's faster than Meshsmooth, and all the editing occurs on the EPoly level.
Cheers for the tip MoP,though when I put a turbosmooth on top of my model just now to test,max crashed,its an omen I tell ye.