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1944 D-Day : Game Content (Massive 56K Warning)

polycounter lvl 17
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RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
Firstly I am a programmer, this is not my work, but the work of the team members behind 1944.

Time for the content:

Turn Tables (QuickTime .MOV Files)


Head & Hands.mov

FJ Unit

German Tanker

Vehicles / Tanks / Planes









  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    So what do we already know :

    1. All content is currently WIP
    2. Our Tri count limit for Vehicles is between 5000 - 10,000
    3. Our Tri count for Characters is between 5000 - 15,000 (depending on gear)
    4. Our Tri count for weapons is upto 3000 depending.
    5. We use our own sourced references, we do not simply google for it. SO please if you going to crit based on images form google, consider the year, version and if its a re-issue or refurbished model. We are trying to be extremely accurate and detailed, we have a research team of 10 members doing their best to get first hand information.

    6. The hands will look plastic, fake and waxy due to no specular map.
    7. The point on the tip of the fingers have been fixed., In game the hands look great and we will not add more tri's to round off the fingers. They also match our reference material.

    8. If anyone is interested in joining our team, please feel free to email:


    We are always on the lookout for new talented members who can dedicate tiem to getting the product complete. We are also on the verge of signing some very intersting deals.

    9. With regards to renders, I would far prefer to spend our time developing the game than posing renders, or doing fancy ass shots. So my apologies if you feel the images are slapped together. That is merely because we spend our time developing not doing PR Spins.

    10. Hope you all enjoy, when I get my net connection back, I will do another large update. I have around 200 more items to add to this.
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    This is our current content list, as you can see its massive, we have the vast majority of German Vehicles complete, as well as nearly all weapons. We still have alot more to add to this list, but it should give you all an idea, of the scale and scope 1944 is aiming for.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    for the love of god .. please thumbnail your images ...
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    I was of the impresion that Massive 56K Warning, indicated alot of images?

    Im comming to the end of relocating from Ireland to Australia, and will thumbnail the images when I get the chance.

    This is the content to the game that I have been leading and programming.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    True, but the problem is that there is just so much stuff here, it's overwhelming. It really is impossible to take it all in at once.

    For what its worth, if its critique you're after, my overwhelming first impression was nice hardsurface models, but oh, that face. It isn't nearly as up to par quality wise. it feels pretty naiive. Looks like good quality stuff overall though. I notice you didn't state what game engine it was for either.
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    When I get settled I will start to thumbnail them all, I was hoping to have all of my belongings shipped over, but the company backtracked on their offer, and I was left with nothing but a suitcase.

    With regards to the face I am assuming you mean the actual images there, and not the turntable?


    We are developing on the Reality Engine.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Ah cool. I missed the turntable, I was looking at the grey zbrush shots.

    It looks a lot better textured, although there is still something slightly funky going on. The eyes are too far forward in the skull or something. It's decent though. The hairline looks strange, and I think I see what you guys were shooting for, but it doesn't feel quite right. You're probably going for the classic WW2 german haircut, which is more like this: http://www.dererstezug.com/GermanHaircut.htm

    i.e shaved very very short at the back and sides, but not really literally hairless I don't think.
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah the turntable doesnt show up the stuble very well, but it is noticeable. Perhaps we should have it slithly pale er around where the hair line use to be, that would really distinguish it.

    Ref photo for the face:


    Its not a direct match, but we did capture the core features. We are not going for the hardcore rambo look alike that every WW2 game goes, we are looking for a good cross section of units. 16 - 24 year olds, the hardened vets and older generation men....

    Will look into having the hairline sorted.
  • MartinKDahl
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    MartinKDahl polycounter lvl 17
    id like to see some more tanks please! tanks thanks!
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17

    Give me a week, I can post alot more wink.gif
  • Honolulu_Ninja
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    Honolulu_Ninja polycounter lvl 17
    Really nice stuff, a bit overwhelming though smile.gif
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    And I didnt include buildings or props :P

    Map shots created for our HL2 mod, and then ported across to the game

  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Jeez that's one hell of a list of content.. you're surely not going to be adding *all* of that? What's the gameplay about (I mean other than WW2) becasue that seems like a heck of a lot of diverse material for a non commercial (???) game, which takes it well beyond the 'standard fare' of most WW2 games.
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 20
    judging that reality engine was not free, this likely is not non-commercial ? If possible get rid of the swastikas in your logos / website, as that is illegal over here.
    I am with kat, there is billions of ww2 games already, what would really set your game apart ?

    edit: was just at your website, the open large battlefield does sound like a good idea (me is a fan of Operation Flashpoint), however it is also very complex. Imo the ai/coop feeling is the key to success, not the graphics, as too many good looking ww2 games are already out.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Nice models, but was it really in any way nessesary to post *EVERYTHING*?

    We don't need your technical design document to read, just say "It's a WW2 game with a bunch of WW2 vehicals" and we'll figure the rest out.

    Also, is it nessesary to post every view of every model? Make some thumbs, pic the best renders, and show off the best. It works for every established game company around, should do the trick for you as well?

    Anyways, very nice models.
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    All the content on that list will feature in the game, we have made an extremely comprehensive list of WW2 content and are gradually getting through it, even if it didnt feature on D-Day it will be made available to ensure that mod makers can create extra scenarios

    Reality Engine was far from free, just because its an indie title doesnt mean that it will not sell. We aim on selling it online, if we cannot get a publisher. We have turned down around 4 publishers at the moment.

    Swastikas were the symbol of the time, and of the elite units. While we are aware that not all Germans were Nazis. There were still Nazi's. We will not compromise on our content, even if it means we do not distribute in specific nations. We will not compromise, if a nation has a problem with us, and our historians developing a simulation that realistically depicts the Event, and which is backed by historical institutions, so be it. But we will not compromise on our content for the sake of being Politically Correct. We will show the events as our research indicates.

    Now with regards to posting everything, well thats the poblem with a game of this scale, and being indie. If gear box were to go on about what they aim to do, people would lap it up based only on 1 fake screenshot. So if we post all our content then people will see how much we actually have. It also re-affirms our goal and dedication to the title at hand.

    Graphics are not the be all about 1944. The AI is the core to the game, this is what makes 1944 different, instead of having a game that is heavily scripted and that follows a set number of units. The AI simply kicks in and simulates the entire operation, each time it can be different. The player is then free to do as they please, jumping between as many units as they want to experience the war from all the different angles.

    Every Nation, Every Unit, Every Vehicle, Every Weapon.

    Yes we may be an indie title, but our dedication, commitment and determination to get the job done, should re assure people that we definately know what we are doing.

    If you want to know more about the game check out the site.
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 20
    noone questions dedication and commitment, but imo it would make this thread easier to deal with if you could have pimped a few best ofs and then link to the full gallery if someone wants to know more about it.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    while your work is good. all i can really say is:

    "ugh... not another ww2 game..."
  • LordScottish
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    LordScottish polycounter lvl 18
    Nice to see you post Ronan. You have a impressive amount of work posted here, I admire the eye for realism behind the models!
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Will thin it down in the morning
  • GLandolina
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    GLandolina polycounter lvl 17
    just noticed, your mapshots seem to be in DoD source?! thought it was reality engine you were doing or has it changed since i last looked
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    "ugh... not another ww2 game..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Haha! Yeah...it's true the WW2 theme is getting old.

    However, I do feel like i have to commend you guys on your dedication to this project, and your efforts to keep it true to life. It seems like you guys are going for something that is as much a simulation as it is a game, and i think that is a very interesting direction.
    I am personally getting really tired of the old rehashed FPS model, which is so prevalent since it tends to be the driving force behind emerging tech. This looks to be an interesting new application within engine constraints.

    Ill second Daz on the anatomy for the head. The Eye sockets are much too shallow and need to conform to the shape of the eyeball better (common faux pas). Also may want to check the curve of the bony eyebrow parts in the top view, theyre looking slightly flat. The modeling of the mouth looks somewhat tense too, perhaps a lighter treatment of the lines around the mouth would help.
    I think your models look great overall, so you guys should definately try to refine the chars as much as possible to keep things on par.

    Best of luck on the project.
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...Reality Engine was far from free, just because its an indie title doesnt mean that it will not sell. We aim on selling it online, if we cannot get a publisher. We have turned down around 4 publishers at the moment...

    [/ QUOTE ]Whooaah there fella... I didn't mention that as some sort of back handed insult (you cad), it was merely an assumption based on my not having heard of the Reality engine (I have now, had a look at their webbly site ) and you didn't really add that much info about the project overall to the post - overwhelmed as it is with screenshots.

    As Crazybutcher said, no one is questioning your dedication or that you don't know what you're doing, most indies need to be die hards to get anything done these days, so that's a given.
  • Clos3d
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    Clos3d polycounter lvl 17
    Id like to see some environments/props=)
    Good job so far but yea.... Kinda overwhelming...
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    thanks for sharing all these images, but i agree with most here.

    The design document filled with every weapon known to man, should of been left out. It's easier to recruit interested people with quality screenshots screenshots rather than everything we have ever made.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    jaja.. thumbnailing would be very nice.. btw..saw some nice kingtiger scrolling down the page
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Ok thinned out the images, will thumbnail everything once I get setup over here.


    We tried calling it a game, but attracted the wrong people, so now we call it a simulation. It attracts less CS / DOD players.

    We made a realistic HL2 mod to draw in the crowds. Indie games dont draw the publics attention like mods. So a quick mod brings in the crowds.

    We are taking the genre in a new direction, and while people often tell us there is not enough room for another WW2 title. Our simple response is that there is enough rooms for a WW2 Title that does it right. We will be far from COD, DOD or MOH. Heck even our acronym doesnt follow their style wink.gif

    Anyway our principal is really simple, develop a simulation that functions and works like one would expect. Then allow the player to be introduced. They cant save their progress, they cant go back etc. So it always keeps a forward momentum, any mistakes they make could potentially come back to haunt them (Obviously the game saves on exit.. just the player cant quick save or manually save every 5 minutes) If they die, they select another unit and move on.

    @ Kat

    We get alot of digs about the engine etc, so dont take my response as being over defensive. I just wanted to clarify it wasnt free, and that not all indie titles are freeware or vapour ware. Epic did buy out the engine but we got in there before them
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    If they die, they select another unit and move on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Awesome idea
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    There was something interesting on your web site that was interesting... the use of the 'game' as an educational tool. Based on what you've said so far and the info on the site it does seem like you're creating a 'simulation' rather than a 'game' so one can see the justification to go all out with the content.

    Your biggest challange I guess will be the AI and making that dynamic enough to handle what the player does. certainly sounds interesting now that I've had a good look thru the info (in that context Swastikas won't be that much of a problem I would have thought).

    Good luck with the project.
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Been working on the AI for nearly 5 years wink.gif

    My Degree and Masters (Still getting through the masters) were all focused on AI. I developed an Educational Tutoring System back in college and since I left I evolved it into 1944.

    People will always moan about Swastikas, but I am not going to make any apologies for accuracy. Granted we will not have every unit in the game bearing a swastika because that simply wasnt the case, but there were certain units that did.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    People will always moan about Swastikas, but I am not going to make any apologies for accuracy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm inclined to agree actually. I've received hate mail for the depiction of a swastika. Now, whilst I guess I could have actually stopped to think on deciding wether or not to depict one beforehand, the more hate mail I receive on the subject the less I'm inclined to change it. It's a complex issue I suppose, but I don't take too well to the idea of denying history.

    One thing I'm curious about. I see you have some fully modeled out vehicles there to very high spec, and I assume that that's source material for normal maps? If so, obviously your commitment is impressive here, but not ever having normal mapped a hard surface object before, is that the most efficient way? I'd have thought 2D>normal conversion techniques for a complex vehicle would be much quicker, but I'm all ears. Impressive high res models though.
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Key vehicles we fully Normal Map, you will never beat using a model for that process.

    For lesser vehicles, we only create High Poly models for key parts like the tires etc. Then paint on the remainder.

    We found that to be the most efficient way. We also break down our vehicles into common parts, not so useful for the German vehicles, but for the Allied it really does help. Prime example would be the Sherman tanks. We break the model down into Tracks, Chasis, Turret, Gun, Equipment and Misc.

    Each is their own object, each has their own texture sheet. We interchange these parts to allow for maximum re-use, and more importantly to programmtically allow for change... So most tanks, vehicles etc are fully customised. This also has huge performance gains as we cache the common parts and textures to give us a far greater speed increase.

    Characters work in the same way. Each unit is merely a Uniform and Boots, as those were the standard kit. We then mount Head & Hands, Badges, Insignias, Ranks etc (yes they are 3D models, but given they only add around 10 - 20 tris and allow us to dynamically create every possible unit, its worth it. Then we add the gear. The player can remove every piece of gear, or add more and more gear. Our animation structure is tied directly into the physics, so adding more weight, slows down your unit, and affects the animation...

    Now you apply this style of thinking to all of 1944 development what you have is an increddibly flexible game structure/system

    This is something that will definately be appreciated.

    With regards to historical accuracy, we are depicting the Jewish Community, French Community, Polish, Canadian, Eastern Block Countries, Australian, New Zealand, UK, America, Germany etc

    The fact that we cover all nations and all different ethnic groups have gotten us significant praise from various communities. Its not American Centric, Germans are not just depicted as Nazi's, but rather as Nazi's and the remaining majority of armed forces that happen to be fighting for their country, not the beliefs of a few.

    We are careful to make sure that everything we do is at very least backed up with fact, at least this way we have a far better standing.
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 20
    I fully understand why you would not change the swastikas and so on, but it simply is illegal here. And ignoring the relative big German market just because of a slight change to the textures (making a German version without it) is unhappy for us over here wink.gif because it makes playing that game a crime, and the game/sim does sound cool.

    On a sidenote it's not about denying history, it's the opposite that created the law, glorification and reduction of the magnitude of crimes done.
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Just as a matter of interest... what have other WW2 games done regarding this issue?

    I know Return to Castle Wolfenstein had an extra media pack with the Nazi symbols in it removed for German distribution - the game was made with that in mind.

    I don't remember seeing any Swatikas in other games??
  • GLandolina
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    GLandolina polycounter lvl 17
    yeah most games avoid it like DoD:Source (and non source) for example, its simply avoiding an argument.
    very little is changed but it saves ALOT of problems
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Well I, the team, the researching team, and all the supporting bodies behind 1944 are more than up for the arguement. We can probably pull it off because of the context of the game, but as I stated earlier, I wont bend. If Germany bans the title so be it, Germany will not be able to buy the game.... I know this may sound stupid given that alot of players in Germany are looking to buy the title, but if we are willing to put the effort to make the game correctly, then Germany as a nation can take a step back and address the situation in a realistic manner, outright ban on material of this nature is not exactly a path they want to go down again.

    That said, I do have a german newspaper back home in Ireland where Hitler was posted on the front page, it was the first time he appeared in any german publication since the war. So some headway is being made in the arguement.

    We are not promoting Nazi's nor are we glorifying any nation in a biased way. We are simply taking the facts and presenting them as best we can.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    why not just ask the artists to post here?

    nothing worse than a programmer trying to pimp someone elses art.
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    The artists post in their own respective forums. Most just post what they develop to the researchers, who tell them exactly what is right and what is wrong.

    I post in public to get another set of eyes on content, especially on the content that I am paying for. As a programmer it helps to get other artists crits on content, while I can spot things there are certain things that I simply dont have an eye for.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    It's very admireable that you will not be changing it. I agree with not changing subject matter just so people won't be offended.

    I can see some people's point about how this will be excluding the german audience. Although I'm sure it would be a nice gesture to the folks from Deutschland to once done with everything, to later go back and make a texture change, I know the work would be tedius to do. However, looking at it from a sales standpoint, you now have opened it to another group of people thus increaseing the chance to make a profit.

    Of course, if you can actually get the german government to allow it, then Bravo!

    By the way, I've sent you a PM.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    The artists post in their own respective forums. Most just post what they develop to the researchers, who tell them exactly what is right and what is wrong.

    I post in public to get another set of eyes on content, especially on the content that I am paying for. As a programmer it helps to get other artists crits on content, while I can spot things there are certain things that I simply dont have an eye for.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see your point but its far too much in one go
  • Moz
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    Moz polycounter lvl 18
    indeed, programmers and artists are very different fish. The content looks solid though.
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Just another quick update

    M3A1 Ready for Ingame (Normal & Spec Map, rigged for Physx controls)


    (15 megs)



    MG for ontop, with custom fitting ( you can mount it onto a tri pod, or simply rest it on another object your call)


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    hey ronan ! dont know if you remember, i did some stuff a loooong ago for 1944 , glad to know you guys are still kicking !! looks really interesting, and i cant wait to see the fabled AI treatment that you gave to the game ehhe wink.gif

    best luck !
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Long Time Johnny, yeah the AI has grown and grown wink.gif and thankfully not in a bad way.
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