I have to say, it was quite the surreal experience to see the mountains at "their" level. Gail and I took a gondola up about 5,000ft then a chairlift up another 1,000ft to the very top of the mountain. Breathtaking is an understatement.
Leaving the village:

Over Gail's shoulder isn't the top of the mountain, but from the ground it looks like it is. The top you're seeing there is about half-way up the gondola part of the trip:

The adventurers!:

Behind her you can BARELY make out the chair lift you can take to go to the very top:



She conquered her fear of heights!:

The rock was making me jealous:

So of course she has to rub it in:

View (the lake is out in the middle of nowhere as far as I could tell. No roads, buildings, etc.):

Walking on the way down from the chairlift to the gondola (you can walk for an hour or take the lift back down, we walked) we saw this:

View, that Blackcomb over there - another mountain + ski runs:


So there yah have it; some pictures of our trip. It was a TON of fun and I recommend it to anyone who can make it to British Columbia for a weekend.
Cool photos, and absolutely beautiful scenery. It's like a combinations of my visits to New Mexico, the Sierras, and Zion National Park all rolled into one.
I've yet to go to Whistler, but hopefully when I go there will be lots and lots of snow there.
and i wonder what's been painted out on the top portion of that sign.....
One question, how much did it cost? Too much for a student like me?
Blah, either way, my parents are making the trip down to visit me at some point this summer, I'll reccommend it to them.
Thanks for sharing man.
I went up to the chief in squamish. It was a two housr walk up and a half hour walk down. It was brutal but absolutely goreous at the top.