for the game I'm making, we'll be in a position where I might need to replace a bunch of instanced objects with a different object. Can anyone think of a relatively easy way of doing this? I think I remember coming across a script that might be handy aages ago but I can't remember where or what it was called..
edit: whoops I think I've come across it, we'll see if it works how I want
edit2: hmm it doesnt quite do it.. I have a script that replaces a bunch of objects with another, but they dont have the instanced object materials applied and the name stays the same as the original object (I need the name to be of the instanced object, but with a number on the end)
Made just for you
Select the objects you want to become instances, invoke the script and click the target object. Tada!
Hopefully it works the way you like; if you have any suggestions, go ahead an post them.
if the object I want to replace the others with is called sphere.01 I need the others to be sphere.02 sphere.03 etc- the same thing that happens when you clone an object. does that sound doable?
thanks again
I was going to just tell you to use Tools > Rename Objects; but I decided to give it a try.
this'll come in very handy, appreciate the help
You won't notice any differences in operation if you weren't having problems before.