It is unbearably hot in the Bay Area right now. We had power outages earlier in week because of everyone running their AC. I hope it doesn't happen again over the next few days...
I curse Washington's humidity, I'd prefer a regular Arizona day of dry heat around 110, to this muggy humidity that feels like you're in a hot car, even in the shade, humid 95 degree days in seattle.
Yeah i went do to grab some indian food 3 blocks away and by the time i got there i was drenched. I have AC in my apt i think, but have no idea how to get it turned on...
its stays pretty cool here in santa monica. its around 90-91 today and that is hotter than usual. LA is so weird, its 90 degrees here and over 100 less than 15 miles away. i really enjoy the weather here. sorry about the heat guys, your all welcome tocome hang out at my house if you want. actually today was the first day of the summer i turned on my AC, usually fans are enough.
Still... must say, nothing tops cruising through the Mojave at midnight midsummer, and it was 112 outside. Only time I've kept the windows closed at night to keep cool.
Ditto what arsh said about LA. Was talking to a friend in Burbank. 111 there. Temp in Culver City at the same moment - 89. thats a 22 degree difference in as many miles. Still way too hot in my apt and my AC is a 40 year old POS.
So funny, everyone in Vancouver is talking about how it's the hottest it's ever been here...buncha wussies I says! Southern Alberta beating sun=hot. This is some nice summer days.
was 42 degrees C here the other day, with an 80% humidity. Thats the killer, the humidity. Haven't had my AC on for a few days, rainy season has calmed the temp down a bit to a rather delightful 24 degrees, just about my favorite.
The T-meter down the street reads 105 F (low 40s C) midday and 100% humidity is pretty much a given here. The sweat beads on your forehead about 5 seconds after leaving your AC'd sanctuary.
32-36. Freaking inferno out there. I'm glad I paid the 190€ for an AC unit. I can't sleep well when it's 26 or more in the evening. Doesn't help that my room stays at 30 when it's cooled down to 25 outside.
It was 114 where I'm at a bit north of LA area. Our power was out for a little while, that was a bit rough.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's getting to the point where old people and babies start dying of heatstroke
This weekend is nice and cool here in the Dallas area. Kinda going through a cold front I think.
We're looking at 91 currently and 95 tomorrow!
Just like any other summer though
Someone call Al Gore.
you could always be the first person to 'water cool' your laptop.
Our AC broke at work on friday and it was hellish. My apartment has no AC anyway. Wtf I am melting here.
[/ QUOTE ]When in Home, do as the Homers do... camp out in front of an open fridge door!
i'm really not a summer person. I like sunshine, but i don't get this reptilian clamouring for heat at all. Roll on autumn
was 42 degrees C here the other day, with an 80% humidity. Thats the killer, the humidity. Haven't had my AC on for a few days, rainy season has calmed the temp down a bit to a rather delightful 24 degrees, just about my favorite.
Give me dry heat anyday...
oh god my hand is melting !