Hi all
Im just wondering if there is anyway I can convert triangles back to Quads?
Basically in a rush of blood I hit editable patch then collapsed down to editable mesh,this has leaved me with only being able to select triangles no matter what edit mode im using.
Is there anyway I can get my quads back becuase im missing them and feel sad?

Or you might try to select all the edges on your model and hitting delete. < wont work, deletes the whole mesh
if you find a way post it i did this to a model a while ago, which was the end of the project for me
So (still some work involved) if you select a edge from each of your edge loops, then hit the loop tool. Hide these then do the perpendicular edge loops as well. If you hide these both it should leave the unwanted edges. Which you can then select and "remove".
Ill let ya know how they go.
That Quad script worked a treat,missed one or 2 here and there but apart from that it got most of them.
Cheers guys!