Warpath shipped today in North America, that was my first game full time here at DE ( I also worked on pariah but as a contractor, and only on a few, very small, objects), and I had a blast working on it.
the game is for xbox and PC and is around 20/30$
I did two of the three species (the last one and boss were done by manny), pickups, vehicle reskins, and a few other things.
I may post some stuff in P&P if it's ok with the publisher.
The demo can be found
here (the retail game is more polished gameplay-wise, though)
Thanks again to all the DE toronto team, especially Manny and Chico.

Congrats on the release dude, gonna be getting my hands on it within the next few days
Do I get to drive this
lee3dee : yep this is the unreal engine 2, the same as pariah, and yes, the game ships with the editor for the PC, and will also allow mods.
pyromania : well, it was meant to be pariah 2 but then we decided to make a multiplayer only game, though there's a nice little SP ladder where you can unlock weapons and stuff, based on a board game.
you unfortunately won't be able to ride that fella
though, the game allows mods and there's a basic code for flying vehicles sleeping somewhere (not working with bots so we trashed it) so I hope some cool mod teams will make those vehicles playable
I also highly suggest it on PC rather than xbox, the game will be way nicer, but play way better ( actually not that much, just a few little things that make the game faster because of the PC support).
and an european release is definitely planned.