Since Intel's NDA has lifted on the info of their core duo's, lots of info is spouting out. Anandtech's review is quite good.
Take note - the non-overclocked
$315 Core Duo E6600 beats AMD's FX-62 chip. At $700 LESS, who the hell wouldn't want one? I'm an AMD fanboy to the core, but hot damn I just might build me a Conroe machine.
Wow, they're down to a 65nm manufacturing process, that's amazing. I wonder how they managed such a massive drop in diameter, it's usually much more gradual than that. I may also have to re-evaluate my AMD fanboy status (even my laptop is AMD, I'm such the cpu otaku).
I think I'll defineatly be building a Conroe system here shortly
I'll probably stick with my current rig for a while longer (AMD 3000+ stock 1.8ghz OCd to 2.7ghz on stock cooler), because it was so cheap when it was top of the line, and still performs amazing for everything that isn't multithreaded. It's only a few points below the FX-55 in benchmarks, all for the low low price of 90 dollars for the processor (at the cost of voiding your warranty and shortening the lifespan of your CPU by a couple years
I'd love to upgrade to dual core, and that one 130 dollar Pentium D dual core that OCs to around 4.1ghz is still cheaper and faster than the lowest Conroe
This was posted a while back, but it was to run Quake 3 on a 24 node system, spanning 24 monitors. And has been done serveral times at different universities around the United States when their computer labs become out of date, they hand them over to computer science kids and they make super computers.
*: Not so fast, and a lot of time guessing and checking, and fixing.
And nice OCing, I was amazed at the stock cooler.
Clusters require multithreaded applications, preferrably ones geared for supercomputers (huge number of threads, little branching). They won't do jack or games except allow you to play 24 games at once.
I think I'll still build a Conroe system, though. The Conroe E6600 is still going to be 1/2 the price of the AthlonFX-62, and outperforms it. I'll buy another AMD in 2007/2008, when they take the market back
Intel's Conroe chips are too good/cheap to pass up.
Sorry AMD!
AMD is still tied in the mid range market, but whipped in the high end. I'm going to get a 4200+ dual core as soon as the prices drop.
Sorry AMD!
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Don't feel guilty, brand loyalty is for suckers.
I'm not entirely sure where you're hearing about the Conroe mobos 'sucking', Sonic. I've read nothing but astounding reviews about the whole line of CPUs and mobo's. Hell, people have already posted overclock marks of the lower end chips, cranking them to a STABLE 3.2-3.5ghz. Doesn't sound so bad to me
I'm looking to build a new PC for around $2200 anyways. So if going with Intel will get me more bang for the buck, that's where I'm heading
The l2 cache on those conroes are huge, no wonder why they have good performace and more expensive a bit :P
Im sticking with amd at the moment, its pretty good atm, and the price cut makes it even better. Besides ill most likely spend less geting a amd x2 compatible mobo than a intell conroe compatible one
Well, I'd be getting the E6600 chip. It's twice as fast as the 4200+, but not quite twice as much.
I'm not entirely sure where you're hearing about the Conroe mobos 'sucking', Sonic. I've read nothing but astounding reviews about the whole line of CPUs and mobo's. Hell, people have already posted overclock marks of the lower end chips, cranking them to a STABLE 3.2-3.5ghz. Doesn't sound so bad to me
I'm looking to build a new PC for around $2200 anyways. So if going with Intel will get me more bang for the buck, that's where I'm heading
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, if you're going for an all new system, Intel is the way to go for sure. I was just talkin about us poor people with socket 939 mobos
I know for my next PC I'm going with an Intel. While AMD does grant a good amount of stability, Intel offers just the brute force needed for applications and games.