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I want my MTV

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
good friend of mine directs music videos and is currently making a video for the band mates of state. in this video he wanted some CG so he asked if i wanted to model and animate some art deco/ sky captain type stuff. sounded cool to me so i am doing several animated sequences of this giant art deco airship flying over the moon and eventually blowing up like the hindenburg. here is the progress on the airship, almost done with the large scale forms.





  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    God, I love airships! And I love Art Deco! Although I have yet to see Sky Captain and the world of Tomorrow...

    Looks great, though the tower thing on it sorta looks out of place.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Badass, especially the propeller detail. Although, looks odd because usually the blimp part is A LOT bigger than the passenger cabin.
  • parasyte7
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    parasyte7 polycounter lvl 19
    I love Mates of State! and I am loving the model as well...can't wait to see what the end look will be with textures and effects.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    wow looking sexy buddy!

    My 3 biggest interests in art/design and you have hit two of them on the head! (the other being japan)

    I could go into all sorts of techincal detail about what I find wrong with the airship however if you want a more fantastical look I would go for more engines, smaller.

    BTW blowing up the airship really doesn't do much for the legacy of airships frown.gif Germany had to use Hydrogen because the only country at that time with heilium was the USA. Which the USA used in the Macon and Akron rigids, easily as big as the hindenburg, and ten times cooler. (although virtually unknown!)

  • usagi
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    usagi polycounter lvl 18
    mates of state eh? 'a control group' is a wicked song

    the model is looking sweet too, it'll be interesting both too see it finished and to see the actual video
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    at seeing the title of this thread and opening i was expecting the blokes from the money for nothing video frown.gif
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    I am expecting a polycount jagged-tooth green smiley on the side of the airship :>
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Love it, but I'm in agreement that the blimp should be gigantor compared to the cabin.

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I was so expecting this:

    but yeah. bigger sac.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20

    more someting like this?
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    hey arsh, be sure to check the blipm on a game called "arcanum" might get you inspired , i cant get an image thou ill search harder. nice job smile.gif
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    thanks guys, a few points.

    this is taking place in space, no gravity, so the blimp is mostly for show,its not serving any practical purpose.

    also i dint make the concept. i have had tons of ideas, but the best i can do is just elaborate on what i was given. more soon..
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    shot of the backside...

  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    That's one nice looking backside. laugh.gif

    Model's looking great, can't wait to see this sucker finished. laugh.gif

    [edit]Haha, event hough I shouldn't think it's possible, it'd be awesome if you could throw the polycount smilie on there. I'l love watch mtv and see the green guy on the screen. laugh.gif[/edit]
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Sectaurs - I was thinking the same thing! hehe
    Great work so far, arsh.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    some nice panelling going on there
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I love how this is turning out.

    But... if its in space, why are there propellers? As I understood there wasn't anything to push against in space for that type of propulsion to work... I could be wrong though. Its been known to happen.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    That looks great.

    Hmm, krazy glueing those pieces to the ballon wink.gif.

    Sectaurs: good question.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    this is looking really good man.

    No crits really, only a suggestion: The propellers/engines struck as not quite fitting the flow of the rest of the model. What about reversing the direction of the engines so they "aim" the opposite direction? It might give the ship a more streamlined feel. Also might be cool to try stacking 2 propellers on each engine (the two props would be stacked one in front of the other, both on the same side of the engine; they could spin in opposite directions why not?)

    either way, lookin sharp kiddo *gently swirls martini glass*
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    all awesome suggestions, and if i had creative conrol i would love to take them into consideration. ultimatly its up to the director and the band. i have suggested many chnages, but at this point only a few have been okayed. there are going to be bolts and cables holding the pieces to balloon. as well as many other details. the propellers are more just for show, its suppose to look old future where things like areo dynamics and practicality never really exsisted. if all goes well tho, i could be directing a video soon, i just have to get some representation at his studio and create a small mock video with a song of my choice.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Characters, Cadillacs, and blimps!! OMG triple threat!

    Looks real cool so far. Are you going to be texturmigating this as well or just model and animate? I think something where the poles meet the ballon part would help as well. But it sounds like you don't have much control over that.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    ah. Its tricky when you don't have that much freedom with the design. Just make sure its got lots of blinking lights!
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    okay, just finished up the last of the shots, holy crap that was a lot of work! i like some parts a lot but others i was just too rushed to have accomplished what i would of liked.
    i did all VFX in the film, even the color keying for the green screens. total amount of time from start to finish, one month(i also have a fulltime job). all materials are procedural, no uvs at all, i painted and photoshoped several mattes for the video as well. the setting is in a "world of tomorrow" motif, so in the spirt of old sci fi, i wanted to present the FX in many of the ways they used to, so there are no bitchin 360 degree camera angles... sorry... Tried to emulate the style and lighting of the matte paintings of the 1950's. i pulled a lot of perspective tricks with just a few image planes moving in different directions, as well as many other "old school" techniques.

    !shots are not final!, there are lots of bloom and scratches type stuff to be added, use the first pic for reference on what the final shots will like with the film aging post effects. i will post the video when the post effects are finished, probably a day or two.

  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm... I totally thought I left a comment about it a while ago. Maybe I just dreamt it.

    Anyway, I really like the visuals you are going for. I'm reminded of Woman in the Moon.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i love it,love the moon scene best, will be cool to see it on TV
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    This is awesome xD
    And one more thing, i actually started listening to Mates of State now. Makes me feel all warm and glowy inside xD
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    wow, man, looks like some awesome work. I can't wait to see the finished product. I hope we don't lose you from the world of games.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    thanks guys

    [ QUOTE ]
    I hope we don't lose you from the world of games.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hahaha, unless i get to direct and even then i doubt it, the money is shit and the deadlines are much worse, if i didnt finished this on time i could of gotten sued! but a big plus side is i own all this stuff now, NOT the record label, and i can do things like make this thread, they are all for as much hype as possible leading up to the release of the video, so they were all gung ho about me showing it off. so there are definite upsides, but i thought i was going to have a heart attack trying to finish on time.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    This turned out awesome.

    You can almost see the fishing-line holding up the blimp. very authentic.
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