i have a digital projector and a laptop plus a ps2, a tv isnt the only way to watch a dvd. i just hate network tv and cable and would rather jsut buy or download the shows i want to see.
if you really like this show, take the pilot survey!! i did and made my girlfriend do it too.
my comments from my shamefully extraneous thread on the topic:
Personally I thought it was pretty good; it's a little jarring at first to hear such pithy dialogue matched with Mignola's really dark visual style, but by the end of the episode the comic timing seems pretty strong. So long as the potential that's there is realized if/when it becomes a series, it could be a lot of fun.
It's definitely a pilot and, aside from the visuals (which REALLY nail the Mignola style) it is still a bit rough around the edges. I think they're pacing it a bit too quickly, somehow, or just not quite finding the rhythm and style that would better suit the visuals; right now it's a bit too conventional cartoon show-y in those respects.
But Mignola's quirky sense of humor and excellent character designs come through, so here's hoping that SciFi makes a proper series out of it.
Sorry to dig this up.. but I just heard through the production grapevine that the Sci-fi channel are going to judge whether to make more of these on the viewing ratings from this Thursday's airing - so if you want more... WATCH IT!!!!!!
I don't generally bump threads, or double post (it's just not done, dont'cha know) but I felt this was worth it. You'll hear no more from me, and I promise to be good in future, but the only chance I have of seeing this in the UK is if you US folks watch it, and I promised a friend (in the business) I'd do what I could to pimp it, and today's the day.
Technically, Gmanx, only American polycounters who are participating in Nielsen's research HAVE to watch it. Ratings come from people who have a Nielsen box attached to their tv, that's what monitors what they watch and how they get ratings.
if you really like this show, take the pilot survey!! i did and made my girlfriend do it too.
Personally I thought it was pretty good; it's a little jarring at first to hear such pithy dialogue matched with Mignola's really dark visual style, but by the end of the episode the comic timing seems pretty strong. So long as the potential that's there is realized if/when it becomes a series, it could be a lot of fun.
It's definitely a pilot and, aside from the visuals (which REALLY nail the Mignola style) it is still a bit rough around the edges. I think they're pacing it a bit too quickly, somehow, or just not quite finding the rhythm and style that would better suit the visuals; right now it's a bit too conventional cartoon show-y in those respects.
But Mignola's quirky sense of humor and excellent character designs come through, so here's hoping that SciFi makes a proper series out of it.